Witcher Monster Slayer: What Happens After Losing a Battle?

Here, in The Witcher Monster Slayer manual, we provide you with information about the consequences of losing a battle.

  • Defeat in Combat
  • Loss of Items

Defeat in Combat

The Witcher Monster Slayer features a variety of enemies with different attributes, such as type, body build, and attacks, as well as varying levels of difficulty. You can gauge the difficulty of an opponent by the skull icon next to it:

  1. No Skull – Easy
  2. One Skull – Medium
  3. Two Skulls – Hard

It is possible to lose a battle, as opponents inflict significant damage, even when you parry their attacks. However, losing a battle does not result in the loss of experience points, money, or inventory. The opponent remains on the map, allowing you to attack it again when you feel ready.

Loss of Items

In the event of defeat, you lose the items you selected before the battle, such as potions, oils, and bombs. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully consider which items to bring into battle, avoiding those that are not useful for a particular species.


1. What happens to the monster after I defeat it in Witcher Monster Slayer?

After you defeat a monster in Witcher Monster Slayer, it disappears and you receive rewards such as experience points, coins, and monster parts. The monster does not respawn, so you cannot fight the same one again. Your progress towards completing the monster contracts is updated, and you can move on to the next one.

2. Can I revive my character after death in Witcher Monster Slayer?

No, there is no way to revive your character after death in Witcher Monster Slayer. If your character dies, you will need to start again from the beginning. However, you can use potions and other items to increase your chances of survival during combat.

3. Is there any penalty for dying in Witcher Monster Slayer?

Yes, there is a penalty for dying in Witcher Monster Slayer. When your character dies, you lose all the rewards you have earned during that session, including experience points, coins, and monster parts. You will need to start again from the beginning and defeat the same monsters again to earn the rewards.

4. Can I play Witcher Monster Slayer without an internet connection?

No, you cannot play Witcher Monster Slayer without an internet connection. The game requires an internet connection to download the necessary data and to synchronize your progress with the game servers.

5. What is the maximum level in Witcher Monster Slayer?

The maximum level in Witcher Monster Slayer is currently level 50. As you progress through the game and defeat monsters, you will earn experience points and level up. Each level grants you rewards such as coins, potions, and new abilities to help you in combat.

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