Assassinating Francesca De Santis | Sapienza

This guide provides a detailed description of seven ways to assassinate Francesca De Santis in Sapienza, each requiring different suits and items that can be located in the “Map of locations – M4” chapter.

  • Way #1: Disguise of a Lover
  • Way #2: Using Information from the Safe
  • Way #3: Private Investigator
  • Way #4: Using a Gas Bottle
  • Way #5: Poisoning in the Virus Room
  • Way #6: Firing a Cannon
  • Way #7: Shooting the Women with a Sniper Rifle

Way #1: Disguise of a Lover

Obtain the love letter

To assassinate Francesca, it is necessary to pretend to be her secret admirer. Acquire the disguise of The Help and go to her private room (M4,13). Collect the love letter (M4,4), which reveals her romance with the golf trainer.

Listen to the phone call

Proceed to her lover (M4,19) and listen to his phone call. He is about to meet Francesca. Obtain his disguise by attacking him or poisoning his water (M4,20).

Collect the rat poison

The poison can be found in the storeroom (M4,20), located in the basement (M4,7). After drinking some contaminated water, your target will go to the toilet (M4,18). Follow her, knock her out, take her disguise, and hide her body in the wardrobe. Pick up her phone and call De Santis. Go to her room (M4,13).

Wait for Francesca

Once there, sit in the dark on a chair. Listen to your target’s monologue and eliminate her. Hide her body in a chest and take the magnetic card that she dropped, granting access to the lab.

Way #2: Using Information from the Safe

Listen to the conversation

Francesca is a challenging target to eliminate, as she never strays too far from her bodyguards. To change this, obtain the valuable documents from a safe. She will be compelled to make a phone call on the roof of Caruso’s mansion. Go there and proceed to the attic (M4,45). Listen to the guards’ conversation about the safe (M4,33).

Get the safe combination

You will need a code to enter. Exit through the door to the attic (M4,45), go left, and down the pipe. An open window to Silvio’s private office will be visible. The code will be on the desk (M4,15). Return to the attic and open the safe to obtain the DNA samples.

Cause a fatal accident

Show her the documents and take a screwdriver for the boxes (M4,36) before going to the balcony. Dismantle the wires (M4,37) located under one of the tables to create a short circuit. Proceed to the water switch (M4,38). Wait for the target to start talking near the faulty appliance, then turn on the water. Francesca will be electrocuted to death.

Method #3: Hiring a Private Investigator

Enter the hair salon and eavesdrop on the conversation

Head to the hair salon (M4,31) and listen in on a conversation about a private investigator in town. Francesca is set to meet with him. Exit the salon and walk to a man sleeping on a bench (M4,32).

Knock out the man and steal his attire

Wake the man by turning on a radio. He will take a phone call and leave for his client. Follow him and knock him out when you reach a narrow alley. Take his suit and dispose of the body in a dumpster.

Trail Francesca to a secluded spot and eliminate her

Proceed to the pier (M4,21) and wait for De Santis to appear. Talk to her and go with her to a different location (M4,22). Strangle her when she begins to explain why she needs the investigator. Conceal her body in a dumpster and remember to retrieve her magnetic card.

Method #4: Utilizing a Gas Bottle

Toss the gas bottle through the chimney while Francesca uses the fireplace

Retrieve the documents from the safe and promptly return to the attic (M4,45). Grab a gas bottle as Francesca begins to burn the documents. Drop the bottle down the chimney (M4,34). This will instantly kill her. Flee the attic before the guards arrive.

Method #5: Poisoning in the Virus Room

Wait for Francesca to enter the lab before activating the ventilation

To pursue this approach, destroy the virus to draw Francesca to the lab. Proceed to the room with the virus and approach the vent (M4,41). Activate the air conditioning when she begins to investigate.

Method #6: Firing a Cannon

Wait for Francesca to appear before firing the cannon

Initiate this method like the third one. However, after waking up the investigator, head to the courtyard with cannons (M4,43). Retrieve a cannonball (M4,19) and a bag of powder to load the cannon aimed at the pier. Francesca will soon arrive on the pier. Wait for the opportune moment and fire the cannon to eliminate her.

Method #7: Assassinating Francesca with a Sniper Rifle

Choose a location to shoot Francesca

This method can be executed in various ways. Acquire a sniper rifle, which will be delivered to your hideout. Then, proceed to one of the following locations: the top of the towers (M4,57), (M4,42), steeple (M4,24), or the bohemian’s room (M4,34). Eliminating Francesca from these spots is simple, but you must leave quickly.


What is the mission “Murdering Francesca De Santis” in Sapienza?

The mission “Murdering Francesca De Santis” is a part of the stealth action video game “Hitman” set in the fictional Italian town of Sapienza. The objective of the mission is to assassinate Francesca De Santis, a scientist working for a biotech company called Ether. She is working on a virus that can target specific individuals, making it a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. The player is tasked with infiltrating the Ether headquarters and eliminating Francesca without being detected. There are various ways to complete the mission, including disguising as different characters, using different weapons, and manipulating the environment.

What are some challenges in completing the mission “Murdering Francesca De Santis”?

One of the main challenges in completing the “Murdering Francesca De Santis” mission is the high level of security in the Ether headquarters. The player must avoid detection by guards and security cameras while navigating through the building. Another challenge is getting close enough to Francesca to eliminate her without raising suspicion. She is often surrounded by guards and other employees, making it difficult to get a clear shot. Additionally, the player must be careful not to harm innocent bystanders or trigger an alarm, which can lead to a failed mission.

What are some tips for successfully completing the mission “Murdering Francesca De Santis”?

One tip for completing the “Murdering Francesca De Santis” mission is to carefully observe the environment and learn the patrol patterns of the guards. This can help the player avoid detection and find opportunities to eliminate Francesca. Disguising as different characters can also be helpful, as it allows the player to access restricted areas without raising suspicion. Additionally, using distraction items such as coins or throwing objects can help lure guards away from Francesca’s location. Finally, patience and persistence are key in completing the mission, as it may take several attempts to successfully eliminate Francesca without being detected.

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