Choosing Your Race and Gender – Part 1 | Character Development

In this section of the TES V: Skyrim World Atlas, you will explore the character creator tool and learn how to select your character’s gender and race. Additionally, you will find descriptions of the first group of races available in the game, including Argonians, Bretons, Imperials, Wood Elves, and High Elves. Each race has unique abilities and starting skill bonuses, which are detailed in the review of each race.

  • Character Creator
  • Argonians
  • Bretons
  • Imperials
  • Wood Elves
  • High Elves

Character Creator

When you start a new game, you will first go through a short and interactive introduction sequence where your character arrives in Helgen with other captured prisoners. During this prologue, Hadvar will ask you to reveal your identity, and this is when you can make your first decisions about your character, including selecting your race and gender.

Your character’s race is the most important choice you will make, as each race has different starting skills and abilities, including one unique ability per race. While your choice of race may influence some aspects of gameplay, the differences are usually minor and symbolic. It is best to choose a race based on the skills that are important to your character and that you plan to increase throughout the game. This will make the start of the game easier and allow you to max out all the crucial skills (100 points) for your character.

In addition to selecting your race, you can also change your character’s appearance and choose their gender. While gender doesn’t have a significant impact on gameplay or quests, it can affect small aspects such as NPC dialogue. However, choosing a gender doesn’t limit your options for marriage arrangements, as you can marry someone of the same or opposite gender.


Boosted Skills:

  1. +10 points to Lockpicking (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Pickpocket (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to Light Armor (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Alteration (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Restoration (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Sneak (20 instead of 15 points)

Special Abilities:

Histskin (active unique ability) – This is an extremely valuable ability that enhances health regeneration rate by 10 times and lasts for 60 seconds. It is particularly useful during challenging fights to prevent death. A similar effect can be achieved using certain spells and potions.

50% less chance of catching a disease (passive ability) – Although catching a disease in Skyrim is easy, this passive ability is not very useful since all diseases can be easily cured by visiting a shrine or drinking a cheap potion.

Ability to stay underwater for an indefinite period of time (passive ability) – This ability is not very useful since diving is not a common activity in Skyrim and there is a large margin for error in case the character starts drowning.


Argonians are a great choice if you plan on playing as a thief and want to stay hidden to avoid other characters or steal from them. The bonuses to “defensive” schools of magic (Alteration and Restoration) can also be beneficial for quickly regaining strength.


Boosted Skills:

  1. +10 points to Conjuration (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Alchemy (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to Illusion (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Alteration (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Restoration (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Speech (20 instead of 15 points)

Special Abilities:

Dragonskin (active unique ability) – This ability is very useful for mages as it absorbs half of the mana used by enemies to cast spells and lasts for 60 seconds. It is particularly effective when fighting enemies with magical abilities, reducing the risk of running out of mana.

25% more resistant to magic (passive ability) – This ability reduces the power of enemy spells by 25%, making it particularly useful against opponents with magical abilities.


Bretons are an excellent choice for mages who want to experiment with different types of spells. The starting bonus in Conjuration makes it easy to call on magical companions or resurrect the dead, while the versatility of the boosted skills allows for a wider range of offensive and defensive spells.


Skill boosts:

  1. +10 points to Restoration (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Block (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to One-handed (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Heavy Armor (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Enchanting (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Destruction (20 instead of 15 points)

Unique abilities:

Voice of the Emperor (active unique ability) – This ability calms nearby opponents for 60 seconds, preventing them from attacking the main character. It’s particularly helpful when the hero is surrounded by a large group of enemy units and wants to escape or heal in peaceful conditions.

Finding more gold coins (passive ability) – This bonus only applies to gold found in chests and other closed objects, not to money found on bodies or in plain view. This ability is not very useful, especially if the hero sells unwanted items.


Choose an imperial if you plan on playing as a combination of a warrior and a mage. Use a one-handed weapon mixed with a shield as a warrior and rely on offensive Destruction spells and defensive/healing Restoration spells as a mage.

Wood elves

Skill boosts:

  1. +10 points to Archery (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Alchemy (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to Pickpocket (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Light Armor (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Lockpicking (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Sneak (20 instead of 15 points)

Unique abilities:

Command Animal (active unique ability) – This ability turns one nearby animal into an ally, forcing it to assist the main character for 60 seconds (or less if it dies sooner). It only works in areas where wild animals are present and is most effective when used on the strongest animal available.

50% less likely to get poisoned or catch a disease (passive ability) – This ability is not very useful as poisons and diseases can be easily treated with a cheap potion or by visiting a shrine.


Choose a wood elf if you plan on playing as a thief and skilled assassin who prefers to kill from a distance with precise arrow hits.

High Elves


  1. +10 bonus points to Illusion (total of 25 points)
  2. +5 bonus points to Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, and Enchanting (total of 20 points each)

Special Abilities:

Highborn (active ability) – This ability is extremely useful for mages as it significantly increases mana regeneration rate (25% per second) for 60 seconds. For characters that rely solely on magical attacks, this ability is particularly effective.

Mana pool increased by 50 points (passive ability) – This bonus increases the amount of mana available to the character, which is especially useful in the early stages of the game.


If you plan to play as a powerful mage and do not want to limit yourself to using only Destruction spells, then the High Elf is a good choice. These characters are experts in the Illusion school of magic, which can be used to “persuade” enemies to stop attacking, flee, or even turn on each other.


1. How important is it to consider race and gender when developing a character?

Considering race and gender when developing a character is extremely important. These characteristics can inform a character’s experiences, beliefs, and behavior. Ignoring race and gender can lead to stereotypical or one-dimensional characters that lack depth and authenticity. Additionally, representation matters. Including diverse characters in your stories can help to create a more inclusive narrative and provide representation for underrepresented groups.

2. Should you always write characters that match your own race and gender?

No, you should not only write characters that match your own race and gender. As a writer, it’s important to create diverse and complex characters that reflect the world we live in. Writing characters of different races and genders requires research, empathy, and understanding. It’s important to approach these characters with respect and avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes. Writing outside of your own identity can be a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity to learn and grow as a writer.

3. How can you avoid writing stereotypical characters based on race and gender?

One way to avoid writing stereotypical characters based on race and gender is to do research and seek out diverse perspectives. This can include reading books by authors from different backgrounds, watching films and TV shows that feature diverse characters, and listening to the experiences of people from different communities. It’s also important to avoid relying on lazy stereotypes and to create characters that are complex and multidimensional. Avoid using language or descriptions that reduce characters to their race or gender.

4. What are some tips for writing characters of different races and genders authentically?

Some tips for writing characters of different races and genders authentically include doing research, seeking out diverse perspectives, and avoiding stereotypes. It’s also important to approach these characters with empathy and understanding, and to consider how their experiences might inform their beliefs and behavior. Finally, it’s important to listen to feedback from members of the communities you are writing about, and to be willing to make changes if necessary.

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