Cult of the Lamb: Duration of the Game

This guide page will inform you about the time required to finish the main plot of Cult of the Lamb and the number of hours you need to spend to acquire all the achievements.

This walkthrough page clarifies the duration it takes to complete Cult of the Lamb. We also predict the amount of time you’ll need to attain all the advancements and achieve all the objectives.

  1. The primary plot can be concluded in about 14 hours, but it may take longer if you select the most challenging difficulty level at the beginning of the game.
  2. Unlocking all the upgrades and abilities, and finishing the main plot, can contribute about 17 hours to the gameplay.
  3. To gain all the trophies/achievements, it should take you approximately 21 hours.


1. How long is the main story of Cult of the Lamb?

The developers have not yet revealed the exact length of the main story in Cult of the Lamb. However, they have mentioned that the game is designed to be replayable with procedurally generated levels and random events. Players will also have the ability to make choices that affect the outcome of the game, adding to the replayability factor. It is safe to say that players can expect to spend several hours playing through the main story, with the exact length depending on individual playstyles and choices made during the game.

2. Will there be any post-game content in Cult of the Lamb?

Yes, the developers have confirmed that there will be post-game content in Cult of the Lamb. This will include additional content that players can access after completing the main story, such as new levels, challenges, and items. The developers have also hinted at the possibility of adding new content to the game post-launch, such as DLC, to further extend the game’s lifespan.

3. How does Cult of the Lamb compare to other roguelike games in terms of length?

It is difficult to compare the length of Cult of the Lamb to other roguelike games as the length of these games can vary greatly depending on individual playstyles and the procedural generation of levels. However, the developers have mentioned that they have designed the game to be replayable, which suggests that players can expect to spend a significant amount of time playing through the game. Additionally, the random events and choices that players make during the game will add to the game’s length and replayability factor.

4. Can the length of Cult of the Lamb be extended through multiplayer?

The developers have not mentioned any plans to include multiplayer in Cult of the Lamb. Therefore, it is unlikely that the length of the game can be extended through multiplayer. However, the developers have mentioned that the game is designed to be replayable, with procedurally generated levels and random events, which will add to the game’s length and replayability factor.

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