Dead by Daylight: Ghost Face – Abilities and Strategies

This DBD guide page provides information on Ghost Face, a stealth-based killer, including his abilities and strategies on how to play him effectively.

  • Overview
  • Abilities and Perks
  • Playing as Ghost Face
  • Recommended Build


Ghost Face is a killer who excels in stealth-based attacks. He is one of two killers who can crouch, making him difficult to spot due to his shorter stature.

  1. Name: Danny Johnson
  2. Height: Average
  3. Terror Radius: 32 meters
  4. Movement speed: 4.6 m/s (normal movement), 3.6 m/s (crouching)
  5. Difficulty level: Moderate
  6. DLC: Chapter 12 – Ghost Face

Abilities and Perks

Ghost Face’s power, Night Shroud, allows him to become undetectable, making his terror radius disappear and enabling him to perform surprise attacks. His main advantage, however, is his ability to stalk potential victims, marked by a circle that gradually fills up. Once filled, the victim is exposed for 60 seconds.

When stalking from behind an obstacle, the speed of stalking is doubled. However, Survivors can reveal Ghost Face by staring at him for 1.5 seconds, causing him to lose power for 25 seconds and marking the person who revealed him.

Ghost Face’s perks are mainly informative and not particularly powerful:




I’m All Ears

Reveals the aura of any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 meters for 6 seconds, with a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Thrilling Tremors

Blocks all unrepaired Generators for 16 seconds after picking up a Survivor, with a cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds.

Furtive Chase

Grants 1 token for each Obsession hooked, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Reduces Terror Radius by 4 meters for each token during a chase. When the Obsession is rescued from a hook, the rescuer becomes the new Obsession.

Playing as Ghost Face

To play as Ghost Face effectively, focus on surprise attacks and stalking, taking advantage of his ability to become undetectable. Use obstacles to your advantage and try to avoid being revealed by Survivors. Remember that his perks are mainly informative, so play to his strengths as a stealth-based killer.

Recommended Build

For a strong Ghost Face build, consider using perks that complement his stealth-based abilities, such as Shadowborn, Monitor & Abuse, and Whispers. These perks increase his field of view, reduce his terror radius, and help him locate survivors more easily, respectively.

How to Play as Ghost Face?

When playing as Ghost Face, it’s best to take a more passive approach as he doesn’t have many abilities to break the loop. Engaging in a long chase is not worth it, so instead, retreat and activate your power. Then, you can sneak up on an unsuspecting Survivor in a more favorable location.

Leave these types of loops as soon as possible.

The environment also plays an important role in gameplay. Utilize any object protruding from the ground as a potential cover to stalk Survivors.

A smart strategy is to charge the stalk bar to 99% before initiating the chase, allowing you to instantly use your ability and knock down the Survivor with one hit.

Also, avoid overusing crouching as it slows you down, wasting valuable time. Only crouch when you anticipate Survivors being nearby.

Recommended Build

Ghost Face has plenty of options when it comes to perks. No perk significantly increases his power, so it’s best to choose based on personal preference. However, for this Killer, a combination of survivor detection and generator progression slowdown skills is optimal.





When a generator is being repaired, the Entity will block the generator with the highest progress for 20/25/30 seconds.

Call of the Abyss

When a generator is damaged, it will regress at 150/175/200% of its normal speed and be highlighted in yellow. Every time a survivor completes a Good Skill Check on this generator, you will be notified.

Barbecue & Chilli

After hooking a Survivor, the auras of Survivors more than 60/50/40 meters away from you will be revealed for 4 seconds.

Lethal Pursuer

At the start of the match, the auras of all Survivors will be revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the effect of other perks based on aura reveal by 2 seconds.


What are the perks of Ghost Face in Dead by Daylight?

The Ghost Face is a playable killer in Dead by Daylight with unique perks. The first perk is “I’m All Ears,” which allows the killer to see the aura of survivors who perform a rushed action. The second perk is “Thrilling Tremors,” which blocks the generators that are not being worked on and reveals the auras of any survivors who are not working on a generator. The third perk is “Furtive Chase,” which grants the killer a token for each survivor they hook. The tokens increase the killer’s movement speed and decrease their terror radius.

What is the power of Ghost Face in Dead by Daylight?

The power of Ghost Face in Dead by Daylight is called “Night Shroud.” This power allows the killer to crouch and enter stealth mode, making them harder to detect by survivors. While in this mode, the killer can stalk survivors to fill up their “Night Shroud” gauge. Once the gauge is full, the killer can reveal their presence and become lethal. While in “Night Shroud” mode, the killer’s terror radius is reduced to zero, making them completely silent to survivors. This power allows the killer to surprise survivors and catch them off guard.

How can survivors counter Ghost Face’s power in Dead by Daylight?

The survivors can counter the Ghost Face’s power in Dead by Daylight by looking directly at the killer while they are in stealth mode. If a survivor looks at the killer for long enough, they will expose them, revealing their aura and making them vulnerable. Additionally, survivors can also cleanse “Ghost Face” specific totems, which will prevent the killer from using their power for a short time. Survivors must be aware of their surroundings and keep an eye out for any signs of the killer’s presence to avoid being caught off guard.

What are some tips for playing as Ghost Face in Dead by Daylight?

When playing as Ghost Face in Dead by Daylight, it is important to use your power wisely. Stalking survivors can be a great way to fill up your “Night Shroud” gauge, but don’t spend too much time in stealth mode, as it can slow down your progress. Additionally, be aware of your surroundings and use your crouch ability to hide behind walls and objects to avoid being detected by survivors. Use your unique perks to your advantage, and try to block generators and catch survivors off guard with “I’m All Ears.” Finally, remember that teamwork is important, so try to coordinate with other killers to take down survivors and win the game.

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