Dead by Daylight: Understanding Totems – Hexes and Blessings

Within this DBD guide, you will find valuable information about totems including how to locate them and what the curses and blessings signify.

Totems play a crucial role in DBD, and although you may not need to interact with them during gameplay, ignoring their benefits can make winning quite challenging. This is because totems offer the most powerful perks available in the game.

  • Totem Placement
  • Types of Totems

Totem Placement

Each map in the game features five totems that are randomly placed, making it impossible to memorize their locations. However, some maps have fixed locations for at least one totem.

Locating totems requires careful searching, but there is a helpful feature that can aid you. Totems tend to appear near generators, so you can increase your chances of finding one by searching around Killer Shacks, Jungle Gyms, or hills.

On certain maps, such as The Macmillan Estate, Autohaven Wreckers, Crotus Prenn Asylum, Gideon Meat Plant, and Forsaken Boneyard, totems are placed in highly visible spots, making it easier for opponents to locate and disable them. In contrast, totems on other maps are hidden better, appearing in tall grass or blending in with the surroundings.

There are specific perks that can help you find totems more easily, such as Detective’s Hunch, Small Game, and Counterforce. Additionally, the auras of hex totems are revealed to survivors when a killer activates Hex: No One Escapes Death or Hex: Plaything.

Categories of totems

Dead by Daylight (DBD) has three different kinds of totems:

  1. The Dull Totem – this totem does not provide any advantages or disadvantages to the gameplay. The Killer can place a curse on a totem with Hex: No One Escapes Death and Hex: Plaything. On the other hand, Survivors can bless a totem.
  2. The Hex Totem – this totem unlocks and activates Killer perks. In most cases, it appears at the beginning of a match and is surrounded by flames. Survivors can cleanse it to disable the perk it offers.

  1. The Boon Totem – Survivors also have access to perks that are linked to totems. To gain access to them, Survivors need to find and cleanse a dull or hex totem. Once cleansed, the boon totem emits blue light.

Finally, there is a fourth kind of totem called Rekindled Totem. However, only players with the Hex: Pentimento perk can activate it, and only with cleansed totems. When this happens, a totem is created again to receive a certain effect.


1. What are totems in Dead by Daylight?

Totems are special objects found throughout the maps in Dead by Daylight that are often used by the Killer to gain an advantage. There are two types of totems: hex totems and dull totems. Hex totems are associated with specific Killer perks and provide powerful bonuses to the Killer. Dull totems are not associated with any specific perk and are mainly used as a distraction for Survivors.

2. What is a hex in Dead by Daylight?

A hex is a special type of totem that is associated with a specific Killer perk. When the hex totem is cleansed by a Survivor, the perk associated with it is disabled for the rest of the game. Hexes can provide powerful bonuses to the Killer, such as the ability to see the auras of Survivors or the ability to down Survivors with one hit. Survivors can locate hex totems by listening for a faint humming sound and looking for a lit candle on top of the totem.

3. What is a blessing in Dead by Daylight?

A blessing is a special ability that some Survivors have that allows them to cleanse totems faster. When a Survivor cleanses a totem, there is a small chance that they will receive a blessing. Blessings can provide a variety of bonuses, such as increased speed or the ability to see the auras of nearby Survivors. However, blessings are rare and difficult to obtain.

4. How do I counter hexes in Dead by Daylight?

The best way to counter hexes is to locate and cleanse the hex totems as quickly as possible. Survivors should listen for the faint humming sound and look for the lit candle on top of the totem. Once the hex totem is cleansed, the associated perk will be disabled for the rest of the game. Additionally, some Survivor perks can help counter hexes, such as Detective’s Hunch, which reveals the auras of all totems on the map.

5. Can hexes be reactivated in Dead by Daylight?

No, once a hex totem is cleansed, the associated perk is disabled for the rest of the game. The Killer cannot reactivate the hex by cleansing the totem themselves. However, some Killer perks, such as Thrill of the Hunt, can alert the Killer when a Survivor is cleansing a totem, allowing them to defend it and prevent its destruction.

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