Escaping the Dragon Attack | Unbound

This section of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim guide provides a step-by-step guide to the escape from the dragon attack as part of the first main quest of the story, Unbound. It includes the route that needs to be taken to the keep and the first decision where the player can choose to cooperate with either Hadvar or Ralof.

  • New main objective: Reach the Keep
  • New main objective: Enter the Keep with Hadvar or Ralof

New main objective: Reach the Keep

Follow Ralof towards the entrance of the nearby tower and climb up the stairs. Ignore the dragon’s attack as it does not harm you.

When you reach the big hole in the wall, follow Ralof’s instruction and jump down to land inside the partially destroyed tavern below. Jump down onto the lower level of the building and make your way out.

Next, you need to follow Hadvar. Stick close to him and ignore the fights happening around you. Reach the location where Hadvar will meet Ralof and make your first ally choice.

New main objective: Enter the Keep with Hadvar or Ralof

If you choose to run with Hadvar, approach the Helgen Keep entrance on the left where he is standing. It does not mean that you become an ally of the Imperial Legion as you can choose one of the main factions later in the game. For more information, refer to Getting Through the Keep with Hadvar.

If you choose to run with Ralof, approach the Helgen Keep entrance on the right where he is standing. It does not mean that you become an ally of the Stormcloaks as you can choose one of the main factions later in the game. For more information, refer to Getting Through the Keep with Ralof.


1. What is the game “Unbound” about?

“Unbound” is an adventure game where you play as a young girl who is trying to run away from a dragon that has captured her village. The girl must navigate through various levels, solve puzzles, and avoid the dragon’s attacks to reach the safety of a nearby castle.

2. How do you control the character in “Unbound”?

You control the girl in “Unbound” using the arrow keys on your keyboard. The up arrow is used to jump, the left and right arrows are used to move the girl left and right, and the down arrow is used to crouch. You can also use the space bar to interact with objects in the game.

3. Is “Unbound” a difficult game?

“Unbound” can be a challenging game, especially in the later levels. The dragon becomes more aggressive and the puzzles become more complex as you progress through the game. However, there are checkpoints throughout the levels, so if you die you don’t have to start the level over from the beginning. With practice and patience, anyone can beat “Unbound”!

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