Heavy Armor | Skills

This page of the World Atlas for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim provides information on Heavy Armor skills, which are primarily associated with the warrior archetype. Our guide not only describes these skills, but also provides tips on how to develop them and which related perks are worth unlocking.

How to increase skill: To increase this skill, one must receive damage during battles while wearing heavy armor. The amount of skill growth depends on the amount of damage taken and the number of pieces of heavy armor worn (preferably a full set).

Main purpose of developing this skill: To increase the character’s defense value, resulting in less damage taken.

Available perks: 12.

Best perks: Juggernaut, Well Fitted, Conditioning.


  1. All pieces of heavy armor weigh a lot, so it’s important to remember this when traveling. To combat this, increase your weight limit or only carry necessary items. It’s wise to have extra weight units available to pick up new items.
  2. It’s recommended to rely on full sets of heavy armor instead of individual pieces. This not only increases overall defense, but also activates perks that grant bonuses for wearing complete armor sets. It’s also easier to develop this skill tree when using full heavy armor, as all damage taken is counted towards it (rather than being divided into separate pools).



This perk has five ranks, with each rank providing a greater bonus.

Requirements (rank 1): None.

Requirements (rank 2): Heavy Armor skill increased to at least 20 points.

Requirements (rank 3): Heavy Armor skill increased to at least 40 points.

Requirements (rank 4): Heavy Armor skill increased to at least 60 points.

Requirements (rank 5): Heavy Armor skill increased to at least 80 points.

Description (rank 1): Increases armor rating by 20% (only for heavy armor).

Description (rank 2): Increases armor rating by a total of 40% (only for heavy armor).

Description (rank 3): Increases armor rating by a total of 60% (only for heavy armor).

Description (rank 4): Increases armor rating by a total of 80% (only for heavy armor).

Description (rank 5): Increases armor rating by a total of 100% (only for heavy armor).

Comments: It’s recommended to regularly unlock new perks from this group, as the bonus to armor rating is always helpful (especially when using good armor).


Requirements: Heavy Armor skill increased to at least 30 points and Juggernaut perk (rank 1) unlocked.

Description: Deals more damage in unarmed attacks while wearing heavy gauntlets.

Comment: This perk isn’t too useful, as it’s better to use a one-handed weapon rather than attacking without any weapons. The only exception is for khajiit characters, as they have a significant bonus to unarmed attacks (which is cumulative).


To unlock the Cushioned perk, you need to have a Heavy Armor skill of at least 50 points and have unlocked the Fists of Steel perk. This perk allows you to receive 50% less damage when falling from high altitudes. However, note that this perk will only work if your character is wearing a complete heavy armor set.


If you have a Heavy Armor skill of at least 70 points and have unlocked the Cushioned perk, you can unlock the Conditioning perk. This perk removes all penalties to your character’s agility caused by wearing heavy armor, allowing your character to act as if they’re not wearing any armor and deal blows with full speed. However, the armor’s weight remains the same, so there is no increase in carrying capacity.


You can unlock the Well Fitted perk by having a Heavy Armor skill of at least 30 points and unlocking the Juggernaut perk (rank 1). This perk increases your armor rating by an additional 25% if you’re wearing a complete heavy armor set. It’s recommended that you unlock this perk as soon as possible, especially since the bonus is cumulative with all bonuses received from the Juggernaut perks. Make sure to wear a complete set, including headgear, bodygear, hands and legs protection.


To unlock the Tower of Strength perk, you need to have a Heavy Armor skill of at least 50 points and have unlocked the Well Fitted perk. This perk reduces your chances of being staggered when wearing heavy armor. While this perk isn’t a must-have, it’s necessary to unlock the next perks in the constellation.


If you have a Heavy Armor skill of at least 70 points and have unlocked the Tower of Strength perk, you can unlock the Matching Set perk. This perk increases your armor rating by an additional 25% if you’re wearing a matched and complete heavy armor set. However, a matched set means having all four heavy armor parts from the same manufacturer. This perk is less interesting due to the restrictions, but if you possess a good matched set, it’s worth unlocking.


To unlock the Reflect Blows perk, you need to have a Heavy Armor skill of 100 points and have unlocked the Matching Set perk. This perk gives you a 10% chance of reflecting a melee attack. However, this perk only works for melee attacks and only if your character is wearing a complete heavy armor set. It’s not worth spending skill points on this perk unless you have extra points to spare.


What is Heavy Armor skill in video games?

Heavy Armor skill is a skill that determines how well a character can wear and use heavy armor in video games. Heavy armor is typically the most protective armor type in games, but it can also be the heaviest and slowest. The Heavy Armor skill affects the character’s ability to move while wearing heavy armor, as well as their defense against physical attacks. In some games, Heavy Armor skill may also affect the character’s resistance to certain types of damage, such as fire or ice. Characters with high Heavy Armor skill are typically considered tanks or bruisers, able to withstand heavy damage while dealing it out in return.

How can a player improve their Heavy Armor skill in video games?

There are several ways a player can improve their Heavy Armor skill in video games. The most obvious is to simply wear heavy armor and engage in combat while doing so. The more a player wears heavy armor and takes damage, the more their Heavy Armor skill will increase over time. Some games may also offer training or quest opportunities to specifically improve Heavy Armor skill. Additionally, certain items or consumables may temporarily boost Heavy Armor skill, allowing the player to wear heavier armor than they would normally be able to. Finally, some games may offer perks or abilities that improve Heavy Armor skill, such as reducing the weight of heavy armor or increasing the player’s damage output while wearing heavy armor.

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