Important Figures and Places | Crestwood

Key Points of M13 Crestwood – Important Figures and Places – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Important characters:


Dragon dens:

Campsites, fortifications, villages, and cities:

Fast travel points, entrances to dungeons, and separate locations:


Other (flags, landmarks, etc.):

Fast travel points, entrances to dungeons, and separate locations:

1 – Entrances/exits from caves.

2 – Entrance to the cave beneath Caer Bronach stronghold.

3 – Locked door (requires a rogue).

4 – Map exit.

5 – Passageway to Flooded Caves.

Other (flags, landmarks, etc.):

P – Landmarks.


1 – Rift (level: normal).

2 – Rift (level: normal).

6c – Rift (level: hard).

4 – Rift (level: normal).

Important characters:

1 – Jana – You can recruit her to become an agent.

2 – Mayor of Crestwood.

Dragon dens:

Dragon den – Northern Hunter.


1 – Merchant.

2 – Merchant – This character appears on the map after capturing Caer Bronach stronghold. The merchant specializes in selling melee weapons, armors, accessories, crafting materials, and weapon schematics.

The above map displays all the important figures and places in Crestwood. You can come across friendly figures in the Crestwood village, among other central map locations. Allies also appear in Caer Bronach after recapturing it from bandits, including a trader. Besides these two locations, there aren’t many areas to explore. You can visit the dam, Old Crestwood (only after lowering the water level in the lake), and several caves. As usual, you can find campsites and landmarks here.


What are some important characters in Crestwood?

In the Dragon Age: Inquisition game, Crestwood is home to several important characters. One of the most notable is Mayor Dedrick, who is struggling to keep the town together amidst the chaos of the flood. He may ask for the Inquisitor’s help in locating missing townspeople and securing the dam. Sergeant Ritts is another key character, who can provide information about the history of the area and the Grey Wardens. Crestwood is also home to a group of refugees, led by Hawke’s sister, who are seeking shelter from the flood.

What is the significance of the flooded town in Crestwood?

The flooded town in Crestwood is a major plot point in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The town was intentionally flooded by the Grey Wardens to prevent a darkspawn invasion, but the dam is now in danger of breaking and causing even more devastation. The Inquisitor is tasked with helping Mayor Dedrick and Sergeant Ritts find a way to repair the dam and prevent the floodwaters from spreading. The flooded town is also home to several side quests and hidden areas, including a haunted mansion and a secret Grey Warden hideout.

What are some notable locations in Crestwood?

Crestwood is a large area in Dragon Age: Inquisition, with several notable locations to explore. The flooded town itself is a key location, with many buildings and homes submerged under water. The dam is another important location, as it is the source of the flooding and must be repaired. The nearby ruins of Caer Bronach are also significant, as they provide a home base for the Inquisitor’s forces and a place to rest between missions. Crestwood also features several hidden areas, including the aforementioned haunted mansion and Grey Warden hideout.

What role does Crestwood play in the overall story of Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Crestwood is an important location in the overall story of Dragon Age: Inquisition. The flooded town and the threat of the dam breaking are a major plot point that the Inquisitor must deal with, and the town is home to several key characters and quests. Additionally, Crestwood is connected to the bigger picture of the game’s story through its ties to the Grey Wardens and their involvement in the events of the game. The ruins of Caer Bronach also provide a key location for the Inquisitor’s forces to regroup and plan their next moves.

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