Infiltrating a Yacht in Freeform Training

Approaching the Gatehouse

Before eliminating the main mission target, Kalvin Ritter, you must first reach the yacht’s deck. Specifically, you need to access the second level where Ritter can be found. One way to do that is by using the southern gate (M1,4). Starting from position (M1,1), collect the lockpick and coins. Move towards the gatehouse (M1,2) and distract the guard by throwing a coin, allowing you to sneak up on him and enter the gatehouse.

Using the Lockpick to Open the Eastern Gate

Once you reach the gatehouse (M1,2), wait for the guard to return to his post. You may continue towards the gate or stun the guard, hide his body in the closet, and wear his security disguise. This disguise will make it easier for you to move through levels 0 and 1. Picking the lock with the lockpick takes only a few seconds.

Important Note: If you have acquired the yacht security disguise, you can skip the gate and head to the main bridge (M1,3) to reach level 1 quickly. However, be cautious, as at least one guard nearby may recognize Agent 47, even with the security disguise on.

The Mechanic Disguise for Infiltrating the Yacht

Another way to infiltrate the yacht is by using the car platform in the northern part of the map (M1,5). If you choose this option, you should wear either the security guard clothes or the mechanic disguise. The latter can be found in the northwestern corner of the map (M1,1), but you must lure the mechanic away or stun him and hide his body in the toilet. Watch out for the mechanics on the yacht’s deck, as one of them is very suspicious and can recognize Agent 47 when he is in sight.

The Valuable Crew Member Disguise

If you start on level 0, you can find a valuable yacht crew disguise in one of the eastern rooms (M1,2). Wearing this disguise allows you to move through the entire yacht without suspicion except for Ritter. You can reach level 1 by using any stairs, except when you don’t want to change Agent 47’s disguise. In that case, disorient the guard near the generator (M1,6) and use the scaffolding to climb to level 1.

Using the Scaffolding to Reach the Second Deck

You can move freely through level 1, but to access level 2, you must wear the crew member disguise. You can acquire this disguise by attacking the chef in (M1,9) or by finding new scaffolding in the eastern part of the yacht (M1,8) and using it to climb to level 2.

If you’re at level 2 and dressed as a crew member, then your only task is to avoid being detected by Ritter. However, if you’re not dressed as a crew member, then you must avoid all guards on the yacht.

Another way to sneak onto the yacht is by pretending to be Mister Norfolk, whom Ritter is supposed to meet. Norfolk can be found near a car at the starting location (M1,14), but there are at least two guards keeping watch. To avoid detection, lure him to a remote location away from the guards. The best way to do this is to use coins or other throwing objects to distract him and move him away from others. Once he’s far enough away, stun him and take his disguise, then hide his body.


What is yacht infiltration in Freeform Training?

Yacht infiltration is a mission in Freeform Training where the player must infiltrate a yacht to eliminate a target. The yacht is heavily guarded, and the player must use their skills of disguise and stealth to get past the guards without being detected. The mission offers multiple paths to complete the objective, allowing players to choose their own approach. It also serves as a tutorial for the game’s mechanics, teaching the player how to use disguises, subdue enemies, and hide bodies. Overall, yacht infiltration is a challenging and engaging mission that sets the tone for the rest of the game.

How can I successfully complete the yacht infiltration mission in Freeform Training?

To successfully complete the yacht infiltration mission in Freeform Training, players must use a combination of stealth, disguises, and strategic planning. It’s important to scout out the area and identify guard patterns before attempting to move in. Disguises can be used to blend in with the crew and avoid detection, but be careful not to arouse suspicion. Subduing enemies and hiding their bodies can also help to clear a path to the target. Players should also be aware of their surroundings and use the environment to their advantage, such as climbing up to higher areas or using distractions to divert attention. Overall, the key to success in yacht infiltration is to be patient, observant, and adaptable to changing situations.

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