Notable Figures and Places | Frostback Mountains

Main Areas of M1 Frostback Mountains – Notable Figures and Places – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Notable Figures


Dragon Dens

Campsites, Forts, Villages, and Cities

Fast Travel Points, Dungeon Entrances, and Separate Locations


Other (flags, landmarks, etc.)

Notable Figures are:

Chancellor Roderick and Leliana

Campsites, Forts, Villages, and Cities:

The Temple

Fast Travel Points, Dungeon Entrances, and Separate Locations:

Passage to Haven

The map above shows all the notable figures and places in the Frostback Mountains. While exploring the Frostbacks, you will encounter several followers for the first time. Their locations are detailed in the game walkthrough. Chancellor Roderick and Leliana are the most significant characters, and their positions are marked on the map. As for the Frostback locations, the only important one is the chapel where you fight the final battle of the prologue.


What are the Frostback Mountains?

The Frostback Mountains are a large mountain range located in the southern regions of Thedas. They are home to many important locations, such as Orzammar, the dwarven city, and the Deep Roads, an extensive network of tunnels that run beneath the mountains. The Frostbacks are also known for their harsh, snowy climate, which makes traveling through them difficult, and for the many dangerous creatures that call them home, such as dragons and giants.

Who are some important characters associated with the Frostback Mountains?

There are several important characters in the Dragon Age series who are associated with the Frostback Mountains. One of the most notable is Varric Tethras, a dwarf and a member of the party in Dragon Age II. Varric is a merchant and storyteller who hails from the city of Kirkwall, which is located near the Frostbacks. Another important character is Oghren, a dwarven warrior who appears in Dragon Age: Origins and its expansion, Awakening. Oghren is a member of the Legion of the Dead, a group of dwarven warriors who venture into the Deep Roads to fight darkspawn.

What are some notable locations in the Frostback Mountains?

There are several notable locations in the Frostback Mountains that appear in the Dragon Age series. One of the most important is Orzammar, the dwarven city that is located deep beneath the mountains. Orzammar is home to many important characters and quests in Dragon Age: Origins and features prominently in the dwarven storyline of the game. Another important location is the Deep Roads, an extensive network of tunnels that run beneath the mountains and are infested with darkspawn. Other notable locations include the abandoned thaig of Cadash Thaig and the fortress of Kal’Hirol.

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