
Laid to Rest | Side quests

This page of our guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim provides a detailed description of the Laid to Rest side quest. The quest begins in Morthal where you investigate a fire that occurred at one of the houses. As the quest progresses, you will need to fight vampires and their leader, Movarth.

  • Activating the Quest
  • New Main Objective: Talk to the Jarl
  • New Main Objective: Investigate the Burned House
  • New Main Objective: Find Helgi After Dark
  • New Main Objective: Ask Thonnir About Laelette
  • New Main Objective: Investigate Alva’s House
  • New Main Objective: Show Alva’s Journal to the Jarl
  • New Main Objective: Kill the Master Vampire
  • New Main Objective: Return to Morthal’s Jarl

Activating the Quest

When you first visit Morthal, you will see a small group of people discussing a fire in which a woman and her child died. You can speak with the bartender at the Moorside Inn to learn that Hroggar is suspected of setting fire to his own house with his wife and child inside. The quest will activate at this point.

No one has any evidence that Hroggar and Alva are responsible for setting the fire. The case is mysterious and many people believe that the burned place is cursed. The Jarl of Morthal will appreciate anyone who can bring peace back to the city.

New Main Objective: Talk to the Jarl

Speak with the Jarl of Morthal, Idgrod Ravencrone, to learn that she’s very concerned with the fire and the death of two innocent people. As none of the citizens wants to approach the ruins because of the supposed curse, your role is to investigate and look for clues. If you can prove Hroggar’s guilt or innocence, the Jarl will reward you.

New Main Objective: Investigate the Burned House

Head to the site of the fire, located right behind the Jarl’s house, and investigate it. You’ll discover that the house is haunted by Hroggar’s daughter, Helgi.

Speak to the cursed girl to discover that she is unaware of her own death. Convincing her may prove to be difficult, as traditional methods of persuasion do not work. If you choose to play hide and seek with her, she will agree to assist you. Before the ghost vanishes, you will learn that you must wait until nightfall, as only then will the “second one” (whoever that may be) appear. If it is not yet dark, press T and wait until 8 PM.

New primary objective: Find Helgi after dark

Turn to the west and exit the town. The location you are searching for is not marked on the map, but it should not be too difficult to locate. It is a cemetery located south of town, among a pile of rocks. If you are unable to find it, you can always speak to the Jarl, who will give you directions (a proper marker will appear on the map).

Upon arrival, you will see a dark woman standing over a small, child-sized coffin. As you approach, you will realize that she is a vampire named Laelette. The monster will attack you, so show no mercy and defeat her. After she is defeated, approach the coffin and speak to Helgi, who is inside. The girl will inform you that Laelette intended to revive her as a vampire and make her a “prize.” Now her soul can rest in peace.

New primary objective: Ask Thonnir about Laelette

With the vampire dead, her husband – Thonnir – will appear. Upon seeing that she has become a monster, he will break down. The muscular Nord believed that she had run away to join the Stormcloaks, but her fate was clearly different.

Before her sudden disappearance, Laelette met with Alva, whom she previously despised. This may suggest that Hroggar’s new lover was the one responsible for her transformation. Suggest this to Thonnir and he will deny such a possibility. Are all the men in Morthal under the control of the beautiful Alva?

New primary objective: Investigate Alva’s house

If you break into her house during the day, you will not come across Hroggar, making it a better option. If you do not wish to waste lockpicks, you can always steal the key from Alva’s lover as he walks through town. Interestingly, if you inform him of his daughter’s fate and your suspicions about his new lover, he will ignore it completely. It appears that the woman is either a powerful witch or a skilled seductress.

Enter the house and head to the basement. If it is daytime, you will find a sleeping Alva inside the coffin in the center of the room (she walks through town at night). You do not need any further evidence of her vampirism – defeat her before she attacks you. Then take her journal from the coffin – this is the proof that you should present to the Jarl. If you give her the evidence without defeating Alva, she will escape to the vampire stronghold, which you will visit later in this mission.

New Main Goal: Present Alva’s Journal to the Jarl

You need to take the documents of the vampire and show them to the Jarl. After reading them, the Jarl will inform you of a terrible occurrence. It seems that besides Alva, there are more vampires in Morthal, and they have been secretly infiltrating the town for a while now.

The notes of the vampire reveal that their leader, Movarth, has settled in a nearby town and is planning to infiltrate Morthal’s society. Your goal is to save the citizens. Quickly head to Movarth’s Lair and eliminate all his servants.

New Main Goal: Eliminate the Master Vampire

Leave town and head north-east. After a short walk, you will come across a cave – Movarth’s Lair. Enter it and kill two spiders at the bottom of the cave. Then, proceed and kill the first Vampire’s Thrall inside the big grotto. Turn left and kill another Thrall who is digging a hole for their victims (shown in the image below).

As you move forward, you will reach a big cave. The master vampire will be sitting beside a table with his Thralls and weaker Vampires surrounding him. Stand on top of the platform and attack the enemies from a safe distance to kill a few of them before they can reach you. If you injure Movarth badly, he will run to his room and leave the other monsters to you.

Go to the room where the master vampire is hiding and attempt to kill him from a distance. Keep him at bay at all times because he can drain your life force at an alarming rate. If necessary, use a melee weapon to kill him. Once he is dead, leave the underground cave.

New Main Goal: Report to the Jarl of Morthal

Before leaving the cave, have a look around. Inside Movarth’s quarters, you will find 2920, vol 02 – Sun’s Dawn, which can enhance your Illusion skills. Afterward, explore the side caves where you will find more servants and some equipment. Once you have satisfied your exploration desires, head to the cave exit. There, you will meet Helgi’s ghost again, who will tell you that her mother is calling her home.

Return to the Jarl of Morthal and provide a report. For your actions, you will receive a substantial amount of gold and the citizens’ lifelong gratitude. You can now proudly consider yourself a hero.


What are side quests in Laid to Rest?

Side quests are optional missions in the game Laid to Rest. They are not part of the main storyline, but completing them can provide additional rewards and help the player level up their character. The side quests in Laid to Rest are often related to the lore and backstory of the game, and can involve tasks such as finding and retrieving items, defeating specific enemies, or rescuing NPCs.

How do I start a side quest in Laid to Rest?

To start a side quest in Laid to Rest, the player must first find the NPC who gives the quest. These NPCs are often located in specific areas of the game, and will have a quest marker above their heads. Interacting with them will initiate the quest and provide the player with information on what needs to be done to complete it.

Can I complete side quests after finishing the main story in Laid to Rest?

Yes, side quests can be completed at any point in the game, even after the main storyline has been finished. However, some side quests may become unavailable if certain NPCs or areas are no longer accessible after completing the main story.

What rewards can I get from completing side quests in Laid to Rest?

The rewards for completing side quests in Laid to Rest can vary, but often include experience points, gold, unique weapons or armor, and access to new areas or NPCs. Some side quests may also provide additional information on the lore or backstory of the game.

Are side quests necessary to complete the main storyline in Laid to Rest?

No, side quests are not necessary to complete the main storyline in Laid to Rest. However, completing them can provide additional challenges and rewards, and may help the player level up their character and improve their chances of completing the main story successfully.

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