
The Wolf Queen Awakened | Side quests

In this part of our guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, we will provide a detailed walkthrough of The Wolf Queen Awakened side quest. During this mission, you will need to defeat a Potema that has been revived by necromancers. Our guide will provide a full description of this boss battle. After defeating your enemy, you must collect her remains and take them to Styrr.

  • How to activate the quest
  • New main objective: Speak to Styrr
  • New main objective: Defeat Potema
  • New main objective: Retrieve Potema’s remains
  • New main objective: Give Potema’s remains to Styrr
  • New main objective: Return to Falk Firebeard

How to activate the quest

After completing The Man Who Cried Wolf side quest, wait for three days and go to any hold city. A courier will stop you with an important message from Falk Firebeard. It turns out that Potema, summoned by necromancers, has not been completely banished from this world. You must speak to the chamberlain of Solitude quickly and eliminate the phantom once and for all.

New main objective: Speak to Styrr

Go to Solitude and speak with Falk to receive the mission of defeating Potema once and for all. The Wolf Queen has not been completely revived and now haunts Skyrim as a ghost. If she were to regain her material form, everyone would probably end up dead.

There is only one person in Solitude who knows enough about necromancy and ancient gods to help you restrain the phantom. The priest of Arkay, Styrr, is the one you should find. He can be found at the Hall of the Dead in the middle of the town. Speak to him to learn that Potema has taken control of some of the undead in the catacombs of the Temple of the Divines and is preparing to return to the world of the living. You must go to the dungeon and kill the monster.

New main objective: Defeat Potema

Leave the Hall of the Dead and go to the Temple of the Divines. Enter, turn left, and then go underground. In the catacombs, you will hear Potema’s voice, promising that after you die, you will become her servant and companion, ruling the world with her. As you move through the corridors, watch out for the Draugrs and Vampires inhabiting the dungeon. In the room with the first Vampire, look around to find the book Thief, which can boost your Pickpocket skill, lying on the table.

Continue moving forward, watching out for traps in the floor and the sleeping Draugrs beside the walls. Eventually, you will reach a room with a big lever in the middle. Pulling it will activate the last revolving door. Behind it, you will find lots of useful potions and the passage to Potema’s Refuge. Enter the new location and be ready to fight more Draugrs and Vampires and an undead Deathlord (pictured below). The last one may cause you some problems because of its strength and resistance, but a couple of Shouts and potions should help you defeat it. Afterward, find the key in the corpse of the Deathlord’s servant and move forward.

As you enter the next room, you will see a large pile of bodies. Some of them will come back to life and attack you, so be prepared. Once you’ve dealt with them, head to the main room of the catacombs where you will face Potema’s followers in the final battle. The Wolf Queen’s ghost will fly above you and cast lightning while more undead rise from their coffins. Direct combat is not recommended as you will be outnumbered and Potema’s lightning attacks can easily kill you.

The best strategy is to hide behind one of the pillars and use a bow to attack the enemies. As the undead can only be revived once, their numbers will eventually dwindle. Once you defeat the last of the Draugrs, the Deathlord, Potema will disappear for good.

New main objective: Retrieve Potema’s remains

Now that the battle in the main room is over, you need to find Potema’s remains. In the next room, you will see a skull with a diadem on the throne. Touch it to summon the Wolf Queen’s ghost. She is a powerful necromancer, so defeat her as quickly as possible. Afterward, take the skull and search the nearby chest for useful items.

New main objective: Give Potema’s remains to Styrr

New main objective: Return to Falk Firebeard

After defeating Potema’s ghost, leave the sanctum through the steel door behind the throne. Watch out for two Draugrs beside the walls as you head onwards and up the stairs to return to the surface.

Return to Solitude and meet with Styrr at the Hall of the Dead. Give him the witch’s skull and he will bless it with the power of Arkay, destroying all the evil within. Then, go to The Blue Palace and meet with Falk to collect your reward. You will receive gold, the title of Protector of Solitude, and the useful Shield of Solitude.


1. What is The Wolf Queen Awakened?

The Wolf Queen Awakened is a side quest in the video game Skyrim. The quest involves investigating a haunted mansion in Solitude and finding out what happened to the previous inhabitants. The quest is triggered by speaking to Falk Firebeard, the Steward of Solitude, who will give you the key to the mansion and ask you to investigate.

2. How do I start The Wolf Queen Awakened?

To start The Wolf Queen Awakened, you must first complete the quest “The Man Who Cried Wolf,” which involves investigating the murder of a young girl in Solitude. Once you have completed that quest, speak to Falk Firebeard, the Steward of Solitude. He will give you the key to the haunted mansion and ask you to investigate.

3. What kind of enemies will I face in The Wolf Queen Awakened?

The enemies you will face in The Wolf Queen Awakened include draugr, skeletons, and ghosts. These enemies are typical of the undead creatures found in many Skyrim dungeons. However, there are also some unique enemies in this quest, such as the ghost of Potema, the Wolf Queen herself.

4. Is The Wolf Queen Awakened a long quest?

The length of The Wolf Queen Awakened depends on how thorough you are in exploring the haunted mansion. The mansion is fairly large and there are many rooms to explore, so it can take some time to complete the quest. Additionally, there are several puzzles to solve along the way, which can add to the quest’s length.

5. What rewards do I get for completing The Wolf Queen Awakened?

The rewards for completing The Wolf Queen Awakened include a unique staff called the “Scepter of Potema,” which can be used to summon a powerful wolf spirit to fight for you. Additionally, completing the quest will earn you some gold and experience points.

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