The Battle for Fort Sungard | Stormcloak Rebellion Quests

New Main Objective: Join the forces attacking Fort Sungard

Note! This task is given during the Liberation of Skyrim main Stormcloak Rebellion Quest and must be completed to proceed to the next stage.

When you open the world map, you will see that the meeting place (shown above) is situated north of Fort Sungard. I do not suggest going directly to the fort, even if you have unlocked the location and can use Fast Travel. It is better to travel from Rorikstead and then proceed south on foot or horseback.

Upon reaching your destination, you will see Stormcloak soldiers who are going to participate in the assault (as shown above). Save the game and then approach them, as they will set out for the fort without warning.

New Main Objective: Capture Fort Sungard by defeating the enemy

Map Labels: 1 – primary fort entrance; 2 – south fort entrance (difficult to reach); 3 – northeast fort entrance (difficult to reach).

Once again, it is a good time to review the principles of this battle. Unlike previous battles, the fighting will continue until you eliminate enough enemy soldiers and their “strength” drops to 0%. However, do not rely on the fact that there will initially only be a few enemies in the courtyard, as new ones will emerge from nearby buildings regularly. It is important to remember this and not position yourself near the doors leading to other areas within the fort. Also, avoid attacking your allies and refrain from using area-effect weapons, abilities, or spells, unless you are certain they will only hit the enemy.

There are several ways to enter the fort. Your allies will likely head towards the main west gate (shown above). However, this is not a good option, even if you are a heavily-armored warrior skilled in close combat. You will need to break through several barricades on the way and also face heavy fire from archers in the surrounding area.

The second entrance to the fort is from the back, on the south side (shown above). As the fort is built on a high hill, it is easy to fall if you try to go around it, so I recommend using a horse, which will make the ascent much easier.

The last entrance is a small passage in the northeast part of the fort (shown above). This is an ideal way in for archers or mages. None of the entrances are guarded, so it is easy to gain access and take up a favorable position for attacking.

If your character prefers close combat, start eliminating the Imperial Legion soldiers as soon as you reach the appropriate part of the fort (as shown above).

Do not forget about the archers occupying the surrounding walls and rooftops; try to reach them as quickly as possible (as shown above).

If your character prefers fighting from a distance, the first thing you should do when you enter the fort is to climb any stairs that lead to the walls. From there, you can survey the battlefield and take out the Legionnaires from a safe distance, as shown in the picture above. Be alert for any enemy soldiers trying to ambush you and avoid close combat if possible.

No matter what your preferred fighting style is, make sure to keep eliminating enemy soldiers. Watch out for any foes emerging from buildings and stay vigilant to avoid any surprises. Keep fighting until enough enemy units are defeated, as shown in the picture above. Once the remaining Legionnaires flee, the mission is complete and you can move on to the Liberation of Skyrim (main objective: Report to Ulfric Stormcloak #3).


What is the Battle for Fort Sungard quest?

The Battle for Fort Sungard is a quest in the Stormcloak Rebellion questline of the game Skyrim. It involves the player character, who has aligned with the Stormcloak rebels, attacking Fort Sungard, which is held by the Imperial Legion.

The quest takes place in the Reach region of Skyrim and involves a large battle with numerous soldiers on both sides. The player must fight their way through the fort, taking out enemy soldiers and ultimately defeating the Imperial commander, General Tullius.

What are the rewards for completing the Battle for Fort Sungard quest?

Completing the Battle for Fort Sungard quest rewards the player with a significant amount of gold and the ability to loot the fort for valuable items. Additionally, completing this quest is a major milestone in the Stormcloak Rebellion questline, which can ultimately lead to the player helping to place Ulfric Stormcloak on the throne as the High King of Skyrim.

There are also various achievements that the player can earn by completing the Battle for Fort Sungard quest, such as “War Hero,” which is earned by completing the main questline of the Stormcloak Rebellion.

Is it possible to complete the Battle for Fort Sungard quest without joining the Stormcloak Rebellion?

No, it is not possible to complete the Battle for Fort Sungard quest without joining the Stormcloak Rebellion. This quest is part of the larger questline for the Stormcloaks and requires the player to have aligned with them in order to access it.

If the player has chosen to join the Imperials instead, they will instead participate in the Battle for Fort Snowhawk, which is a similar quest that takes place in the same region of Skyrim but involves attacking a different fort held by the Stormcloaks.

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