The Shill Job

Keep in mind that this quest is a part of a series of missions that you can obtain from Vex at The Ragged Flagon. While it’s not mandatory to complete them, doing so will enhance the Guild’s financial situation and unlock additional City Influence tasks.

All The Shill Job quests share a common goal: planting fabricated evidence in the victim’s residence. Each time, Vex will instruct you to go to a specific location (Markart, Whiterun, Windhelm, or Solitude) and place an item in the victim’s home. Once you’re done, return to the quest giver and collect your reward.

You can repeat this task as many times as you want – new objectives will be selected randomly, and there’s no limit to the number of times you can do it. Just be sure not to kill anyone while you’re at it, as it will result in you forfeiting your reward and facing a fine. If you’re caught in the act, the mission will be considered a failure.


What is a shill job?

A shill job is a fraudulent scheme where an individual or a company hires people to pose as customers or buyers to create a false impression of demand for a product, service or idea. The purpose of a shill job is to deceive potential customers or investors into thinking that a product is popular or highly demanded, thus increasing the chances of making a sale or attracting investment.

How do shill jobs work?

Shill jobs can take many forms, including fake reviews, staged events, or orchestrated social media campaigns. In a fake review, for example, a person might be paid to write a positive review of a product or service, even if they have never used it. In a staged event, actors might be hired to pretend to be interested in a product or service, or to create the impression of a large crowd. In a social media campaign, individuals might be paid to create fake accounts and post positive comments about a product or service.

Why are shill jobs illegal?

Shill jobs are illegal because they are a form of fraud. They deceive people into believing that a product or service is more popular or valuable than it actually is, which can lead to financial losses for consumers or investors. Shill jobs also undermine the integrity of markets by creating an unfair advantage for companies that use them. In addition, shill jobs can damage the reputation of legitimate businesses and harm consumer trust in the marketplace.

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