The Wrath of Heaven

How to Unlock: Automatically starts at the beginning of the game.

Quest-Giver: Cassandra (M1, 1)

To begin the quest, speak to Cassandra and Leliana.

After creating a new character, you will find yourself in a cell with Cassandra and Leliana. It doesn’t matter which dialogue option you choose during the conversation, but if you express your willingness to help, you will gain favor points with Cassandra. After the conversation, you will be in the Eastern part of the Frostback Mountains (M1,1).

Defeat the Lesser Shades

Follow the linear path with Cassandra (who has now joined your party). After an unsuccessful attempt to cross the bridge (M1,1a), you will face your first fight against the Lesser Shades. Depending on your character class, you will either fight alongside Cassandra in melee or attack from a distance. After the battle, Cassandra will ask for her weapon back, but she won’t take your starting equipment regardless of your dialogue choice. Agreeing to return her weapon will gain you favor with her.

Help Solas and Varric against new enemies

Head West to encounter more monsters, including Wraiths. It’s best to take them out from a distance. You will soon meet Solas and Varric (M1,1b). Help them defeat the new group of monsters and close the first Rift. Solas and Varric will join your party permanently.

The Mountain Pass

Continue West and cross the frozen lake. You will have the option to test the new tactical view during a fight, but it’s not required. After defeating the monsters, you can explore the area or take the Northern mountain pass to reach a new encampment (M1,1c).

Seal the Rift

At the encampment, you must seal the Rift by attacking nearby monsters and disrupting the Rift. This will stun the creatures temporarily. Once you have defeated all the monsters, approach the Rift and seal it.

Note: You will likely reach level two after the fight. Check the game guide for character development tips.

Open the gate at the encampment and walk onto the bridge, where you will meet Chancellor Roderick and Leliana. You must choose how to approach the main Rift in the temple. The two options are described below and do not differ except for the route taken.

Starting Point for Mountain Pass Route

If you’ve opted to take the mountain pass, which is Varric’s preferred route, you’ll begin far south of the bridge (M1,1d). Follow the linear path after climbing the ladder and prepare for two fights. The second one is more significant as it requires sealing another rift, which is only possible after eliminating nearby monsters.

Starting Point for Attacking Force Route

If you choose to join the main attack, which is Cassandra’s favored option, you’ll start southwest of the bridge (M1,1e). Cross the ruined encampment and head towards the new rift. You’ll also need to fight and seal the rift after defeating all the monsters. This is where you’ll meet Cullen for the first time.

Path to the Temple

Both routes lead to the temple entrance (M1,1f). It’s advisable to save the game here since the first challenging battle takes place here. Follow the linear path to the arena, where you can jump down to the Rift. The short cutscene highlights the need to face the Pride Demon.

Important Information for Fighting the Pride Demon

The key to defeating the Pride Demon is not to constantly attack it since it can protect itself by default. Its inactive health bar symbolizes its resistance to standard attacks.

Disrupt the Rift

Disrupting the massive Rift in the middle of the arena is crucial to defeating the Pride Demon. Refer to the “Closing of Rifts between the game world and the Fade” chapter for instructions on how to disrupt the rift. If you can’t interact, try changing your position.

Attack the Weakened Demon

Disrupting the Rift will stun the Pride Demon temporarily, allowing you to attack it. Your party members should launch direct attacks and distract the demon from archers and mages that attack from a distance. The demon is immune to electric attacks, so plan your strategy accordingly. Highlighting the demon in the tactical view will reveal its other strengths, including immunity to sleep attempts, allowing you to plan your attacks more effectively.

To make the fight against the Pride Demon easier, you should eliminate weaker monsters that appear during the battle. Ignoring them may cause trouble for the party, especially for rogues and mages. So, take them out while keeping an eye on the rift and attacking the weakened Pride Demon.

If you follow the plan mentioned above, you should win the fight without any major difficulty. However, it’s important to monitor the health bars of party members as the demon’s attacks can cause significant damage. Use health potions regularly and if any party member loses all their health, rush to their aid and help them up. After the battle, cutscenes will play and you will be taken to the Inquisition’s new HQ, Haven (M2,1).

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • Unlocked new main quest: “The Threat Remains”
  • Unlocked new side quest: “Know Thy Enemy”
  • New allies: Cassandra, Solas, and Varric
  • New location available: Haven
  • Experience (lots)


What is “The Wrath of Heaven”?

“The Wrath of Heaven” is a term that refers to the anger or punishment of a divine being or god. It is often used in religious or mythological contexts to describe the consequences of disobeying or angering a higher power. In some cultures, “The Wrath of Heaven” is believed to manifest in natural disasters, such as storms, earthquakes, and floods, as a way for the gods to express their displeasure with humanity. This concept has been present in various religions throughout history and continues to be a powerful symbol in many cultures today.”

What are some examples of “The Wrath of Heaven” in mythology?

One of the most famous examples of “The Wrath of Heaven” in mythology is the story of the Great Flood in the Bible. According to the story, God was so displeased with the wickedness of humanity that he decided to flood the earth and start anew with Noah and his family. In Greek mythology, Zeus was known for his temper and would often punish mortals who disobeyed him with lightning bolts or other natural disasters. In Norse mythology, the god Thor was known for his thunderbolts and would use them to punish those who angered him. These are just a few examples, but “The Wrath of Heaven” can be found in many different mythologies and religions around the world.”

How has the concept of “The Wrath of Heaven” influenced human behavior?

The belief in “The Wrath of Heaven” has had a significant impact on human behavior throughout history. In many cultures, the fear of divine punishment has been used as a means of social control, encouraging people to follow religious laws and customs. The idea that disobedience could result in natural disasters or other forms of punishment has also been used to explain and justify suffering and hardship in the world. However, the concept of “The Wrath of Heaven” has also been a source of comfort and hope for many people, providing a belief in divine justice and the eventual punishment of wrongdoers. Overall, “The Wrath of Heaven” has played a complex and varied role in shaping human beliefs and behaviors throughout history.”

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