Building a Sniper Character

In Fallout 4, players have a wide range of weapons to choose from, but sniper rifles are one of the most interesting and challenging to use. The key to playing as a sniper is to attack from the longest distance possible while staying hidden in the shadows. Snipers excel in vast open spaces, but fighting in tunnels and buildings can be more difficult.

The best perks for a sniper character are those that increase the damage and accuracy of non-automatic weapons, reduce the risk of being detected, and speed up the reloading process. It’s also a good idea to learn how to handle handguns for shorter distance encounters, as they work better in buildings and tunnels compared to a scoped rifle. Additionally, investing in the V.A.T.S. system is crucial.

Character Stats

You will receive 21 points to distribute, and your character stats should be as follows:















These stats allow you to choose the most important perks. As you level up, consider increasing your Endurance and Strength.

Recommended Perks

The best perks for a sniper character can be found in three categories: Perception, which governs accuracy and increased damage from firearms; Agility, which increases your character’s effectiveness in combat; and Intelligence, which allows you to upgrade weapons, attach better aiming instruments, and better mufflers, among other things.


Rank 1: Attacks with non-automatic rifles do 20% more damage. Requirements: Perception 2;

Rank 2: Attacks with non-automatic rifles do 40% more damage and ignore 15% of a target’s armor. Requirements: Level 9, Perception 2;

Rank 3: Attacks with non-automatic rifles do 60% more damage and ignore 20% of a target’s armor. Requirements: Level 18, Perception 2;

Rank 4: Attacks with non-automatic rifles do 80% more damage and ignore 25% of a target’s armor. They also have a slight chance of crippling a limb. Requirements: Level 31, Perception 2;

Rank 5: Attacks with non-automatic rifles do double damage and ignore 30% of a target’s armor. They also have a slightly higher chance of crippling a limb. Requirements: Level 46, Perception 2.


Rank 1: You have improved control and can hold your breath longer when aiming with scopes. Requirements: Perception 8;

Rank 2: Non-automatic, scoped rifles have a chance of knocking down your target. Requirements: Level 13, Perception 8;

Rank 3: Non-automatic, scoped rifles gain +25% accuracy to headshot in V.A.T.S. Requirements: Level 26, Perception 8.


Rank 1: In V.A.T.S., you can target an enemy’s body parts that are blocked by cover, with a slight decrease in accuracy. Requirements: Perception 9.

Rank 2: When using V.A.T.S and targeting an enemy’s body parts that are obstructed by cover, your accuracy will not decrease. Prerequisite: Rank 28, Perception 9.

Gun Nut:

Rank 1: You will have access to rank 1 gun modifications. Prerequisite: Intelligence 3.

Rank 2: You will have access to rank 2 gun modifications. Prerequisite: Rank 13, Intelligence 3.

Rank 3: You will have access to rank 3 gun modifications. Prerequisite: Rank 25, Intelligence 3.

Rank 4: You will have access to rank 4 gun modifications. Prerequisite: Rank 39, Intelligence 3.


Rank 1: You will have access to rank 1 high-tech modifications. Prerequisite: Intelligence 6.

Rank 2: You will have access to rank 2 high-tech modifications. Prerequisite: Rank 17, Intelligence 6.

Rank 3: You will have access to rank 3 high-tech modifications. Prerequisite: Rank 28, Intelligence 6.

Rank 4: You will have access to rank 4 high-tech modifications. Prerequisite: Rank 41, Intelligence 6.


Rank 1: Non-automatic pistols will deal 20% more damage. Prerequisite: Agility 1.

Rank 2: Non-automatic pistols will deal 40% more damage and have increased range. Prerequisite: Rank 7, Agility 1.

Rank 3: Non-automatic pistols will deal 60% more damage and have a further increased range. Prerequisite: Rank 15, Agility 1.

Rank 4: Non-automatic pistols will deal 80% more damage and their attacks can disarm opponents. Prerequisite: Rank 27, Agility 1.

Rank 5: Non-automatic pistols will deal double damage. Their attacks have a much better chance to disarm opponents and may even cripple a limb. Prerequisite: Rank 42, Agility 1.


Rank 1: Your ranged sneak attacks will deal 2.5 times more damage than normal and your melee attacks will deal 4 times more damage than normal. Prerequisite: Agility 7.

Rank 2: Your ranged sneak attacks will deal 3 times more damage than normal and your melee sneak attacks will deal 5 times more damage than normal. Prerequisite: Rank 16, Agility 7.

Rank 3: Your ranged sneak attacks will deal 3.5 times more damage than normal and your melee sneak attacks will deal 10 times more damage than normal. Prerequisite: Rank 33, Agility 7.

Quick Hands:

Rank 1: You will be able to reload all guns faster. Prerequisite: Agility 8.

Rank 2: Reloading guns in V.A.T.S will not cost any Action Points. Prerequisite: Rank 28, Agility 8.


1. What is a Sniper Build in gaming?

A Sniper Build is a character build in gaming that focuses on long-range combat and precision shooting. This build typically involves investing in skills and equipment that enhance a player’s accuracy, damage output, and stealth abilities. Snipers are often used in games as support characters, providing cover fire and taking out enemies from a distance.

2. What are some common skills and attributes of a Sniper Build?

Some common skills and attributes of a Sniper Build include high perception, agility, and intelligence. Players may also invest in skills such as sneak, lockpicking, and critical hit chance to enhance their abilities. Equipment such as sniper rifles, scopes, and silencers are also important for a successful Sniper Build. Additionally, players may choose to invest in perks that increase damage output or provide bonuses when using certain types of weapons.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing a Sniper Build?

Advantages of playing a Sniper Build include the ability to take out enemies from a distance and the potential for high damage output. Additionally, snipers often have enhanced stealth abilities, allowing them to move around undetected. However, snipers may struggle in close combat situations and may be vulnerable if discovered by enemies. Additionally, sniper builds may require more patience and strategy than other character builds, as players must carefully plan their shots and movements to avoid detection.

4. What are some games that feature Sniper Builds?

Sniper Builds are common in many games, particularly first-person shooters and role-playing games. Some popular examples include the Fallout series, the Sniper Elite series, and the Call of Duty series. Other games that feature Sniper Builds include the Borderlands series, the Far Cry series, and the Ghost Recon series. In these games, players can often customize their character to focus on sniper skills and equipment, allowing them to take out enemies from a distance with precision and accuracy.

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