Disco Elysium: How to Inspect Klaasje’s Buoy – Walkthrough

Inspecting Klaasje’s buoy is a brief task that is assigned to you during Klaasje’s interrogation at Disco Elysium. You can obtain information about the buoy by questioning Klaasje about the documents. This guide provides a walkthrough of this task.

To receive the Inspect Klaasje’s buoy task in Disco Elysium, you must question Klaasje about her data and documents (passport). However, you must gain her trust, as approaching her aggressively is not advisable. The following are the specifics of this mission.

You can obtain the task from Klaasje after requesting her documents. This choice will become available after completing the Get the Whole Story from Titus quest, as a Drama skill check during your conversation with Klaasje.

Head to the northwest coastline. By examining the green orb behind the researchers, you will realize that it is the buoy you are seeking. Unfortunately, it will be discovered empty. Return to Klaasje to inform her about it, and the task will be completed. Most likely, the water has washed away the buoy’s contents.


1. What is Klaasje’s buoy in Disco Elysium?

Klaasje’s buoy is an item you can inspect in the game Disco Elysium. It is a small buoy that belongs to Klaasje, a character in the game. By inspecting the buoy, you can learn more about Klaasje and her past.

2. Where can I find Klaasje’s buoy in Disco Elysium?

Klaasje’s buoy can be found on the beach in the fishing village of Martinaise. You can access the beach by going down the stairs near the Whirling-in-Rags hotel and following the path to the left.

3. How do I inspect Klaasje’s buoy in Disco Elysium?

To inspect Klaasje’s buoy in Disco Elysium, you need to interact with it by clicking on it. Your character will then examine the buoy and provide you with information about it and Klaasje.

4. What information can I learn from inspecting Klaasje’s buoy in Disco Elysium?

By inspecting Klaasje’s buoy in Disco Elysium, you can learn more about Klaasje’s past and her connection to the fishing village of Martinaise. Your character will provide you with information about Klaasje’s family and her reasons for leaving Martinaise.

5. Is inspecting Klaasje’s buoy necessary to complete Disco Elysium?

No, inspecting Klaasje’s buoy is not necessary to complete Disco Elysium. However, it can provide you with additional information and backstory about the game’s characters and world. Plus, it’s always fun to explore and discover new things in the game!

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