Disco Elysium: How to Interview the Union Boss – Walkthrough

This page provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the Interview the Union boss quest in Disco Elysium.

The Interview the Union boss quest requires you to interrogate the Union Chief Evrart Claire, who can be found in his office located in the harbor.

If you are not familiar with Evrart’s location, you can check out the Where to find Evrart Claire? page.

Interviewing Evrart may not be easy, as at the beginning of the conversation, Harrier may lose 1 health point by sitting on an uncomfortable chair (unless you successfully pass the passive Pain Treshold check). Additionally, the character may lose morale points during the conversation, so it is advisable to have some healing items at hand.

  1. The Union boss has information about Harry’s debt, his lost weapon, and his personal problems. During the conversation, he will offer a novelty check worth 25 Real, which you can accept to receive extra money;
  2. Evrart can provide some information about the murder if you agree to complete a certain task, which initiates the side quest Open apartment door for Evrart. You can refuse the proposal and wait to see how events unfold before starting the task;
  3. Evrart can also provide information on Harry’s missing weapon – a side quest called Track down your gun – unless you have already started it;
  4. Evrart can assist in removing the body of the hangman if other methods are unsuccessful.


1. What is the Union boss interview in Disco Elysium?

The Union boss interview is a crucial part of the Disco Elysium game, where the protagonist has to interrogate the leader of a worker’s union to gather information about a murder case. The interview is a complex dialogue tree that requires the player to choose their words carefully and make decisions that can affect the outcome of the game.

2. How can I prepare for the Union boss interview?

Before you start the Union boss interview, make sure you have gathered as much information about the murder case and the suspects as possible. Talk to other characters, explore the environment, and use your skills to uncover clues and evidence. It’s also important to choose the right clothing and equipment that can boost your stats and help you succeed in the interview.

3. What are some tips for succeeding in the Union boss interview?

To succeed in the Union boss interview, you need to be observant, analytical, and persuasive. Use your skills and attributes to your advantage, and choose your words carefully based on the clues and information you have gathered. Be respectful to the Union boss, but also assertive and confident in your questioning. Don’t be afraid to use your intuition or take risks, but be prepared to face the consequences of your actions.

4. What are the consequences of the Union boss interview?

The consequences of the Union boss interview can vary depending on your choices and actions. If you succeed in gathering the information you need, you can advance in the murder case and uncover more clues. However, if you fail or make the wrong choices, you can miss important details or even lose the game. Additionally, your actions during the interview can affect your relationships with other characters and impact the overall narrative of the game.

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