Elex 2: Language Options

This page of the Elex 2 guide informs you about the various language options available in the game, including dubbing and subtitles.

Here, you will discover which languages have full dubbing and which ones only have subtitles. You will also learn how to mix and match the language versions, by having subtitles in one language and dubbing in another.

  • Full Dubbing
  • Subtitles
  • Combining Different Language Versions

Full Dubbing

Elex 2 offers full dubbing in four languages:

  1. German
  2. Polish
  3. English
  4. Russian


Subtitles are available in the following languages:

  1. German
  2. French
  3. English
  4. Italian
  5. Spanish
  6. Polish
  7. Russian
  8. Chinese
  9. Japanese

Combining Different Language Versions

In Elex 2, you have the freedom to combine different language versions at any time during gameplay. You can mix and match dubbing and subtitles to create unique language combinations, such as Japanese subtitles with German dubbing.


1. What languages are available in Elex 2?

Elex 2 is a role-playing game that is available in several languages. The game can be played in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Simplified Chinese. Each language has been fully translated, including all dialogue, subtitles, and menus. This allows players from all over the world to enjoy the game in their native language.

2. Can I change the language in Elex 2?

Yes, you can change the language in Elex 2. To do so, you will need to go to the game settings and select the language you want to play in. Once you have selected the language, the game will restart and all the text and dialogue will be in the language you have chosen.

3. Is there a difference in gameplay between different languages in Elex 2?

No, there is no difference in gameplay between the different languages in Elex 2. The game mechanics are the same for all languages, and the story and missions are identical. The only difference is the language used in the game.

4. Will Elex 2 be available in more languages in the future?

There is no information at this time on whether Elex 2 will be available in additional languages. However, the developers have a history of adding new languages to their games, so it is possible that more languages will be added in the future.

5. Can I play Elex 2 in a language that is not officially supported?

No, you cannot play Elex 2 in a language that is not officially supported. The game only supports the languages that are listed on the official website and in the game settings. Attempting to play the game in an unsupported language could result in errors or other issues.

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