Elex: How to get better weapons at the beginning?

At the start of Elex, Jax has only a weak iron rod that’s effective against the weakest enemies. You can also find a rusty axe after leaving the ruins, but this weapon is also very weak. Here are some tips to help you find better weapons that are useful in the initial parts of the game.

Note that some weapons require certain attributes of your character to be developed. You can choose whether to find that particular weapon or another one.

  • Traders from Goliet
  • Weapons with low requirements
  • Weapons with slightly higher attribute requirements

Traders from Goliet

Hatchet is a good compromise – its requirements aren’t high and it deals more damage than the starting weapons

The most obvious way to get better weapons in the early stages of the game is to visit one of the traders in Goliet (the Berserkers’ headquarters). Armor Smith offers:

  1. Horned Sword for 855 Elexit (28 Strength and Dexterity required)
  2. Hatchet for 600 Elexit (33 Strength and 23 Constitution required)
  3. Forge Wrench for 350 Elexit (very low requirements – 14 Strength and 11 Constitution)
  4. Two-handed Iron Hammer for 930 Elexit (38 Strength and 19 Constitution required)
  5. War Shield for 500 Elexit (20 Strength and 30 Constitution required)

Weapons Trader offers:

  1. Hatchet for 600 Elexit (33 Strength and 23 Constitution required)
  2. One-handed Broadsword for 450 Elexit (17 Strength and Constitution required)
  3. Forge Wrench for 350 Elexit (very low requirements – 14 Strength and 11 Constitution)
  4. War Shield for 500 Elexit (20 Strength and 30 Constitution required)

Weapons with low requirements

You can find Cultivator’s Bow at the start of the game during your exploration of the starting ruins. You can get it after entering one of the first buildings (as shown in the picture above). It doesn’t deal a lot of damage, but you can use it to distract enemies (its regular price is 625 Elexit).

Horned Sword hangs on one of the walls in Angrim’s house in Goliet (as shown in the picture). Taking it is considered theft, so the only safe way to get it is to sneak into the house at night (activate stealth mode). It’s a good sword that can be used after gaining a few levels. Its requirements are rather low – 28 Strength and Dexterity points.

Weapons with slightly higher attribute requirements

Similar to Horned Sword, Snake Bite sword can also be stolen from one of the houses in Goliet (as shown in the picture). Here, you also need to sneak into the house at night. This weapon requires 60 Dexterity (and 30 Strength) and deals 41 damage but it also poisons the target.

War Bow can be found near the Small Camp west of Goliet. You must go to a field with a giant troll. Ignore the monster and quickly find the bow shown in the picture. Then, leave the field as fast as possible so you won’t be attacked by the troll (who can throw rocks). The bow requires 53 Dexterity and 34 Strength while dealing 60 damage.

If you’re looking for a specific weapon in ELEX, here are some locations where you can find them. One of the weapons, a bow, can be found in Origin, a village that you visit during a main quest. The bow is located in a chest and is protected by a level 1 lock, which you’ll need to pick to obtain it.

Another weapon, the Mace I, can be found in a gas station located to the east of Domed City. To get there, start your journey near the city and follow the asphalt road to the east. This weapon is great for melee attacks and requires 52 Strength and 26 Constitution in its base form. It deals 44 damage and can be upgraded twice.

For those into ranged combat, the Plasma Rifle PT3 can be found inside the Converter in South Abessa, which is a hideout of the Albs-Separatists. While the area around the converter is inhabited by powerful monsters, the inside is safe. The rifle is located on one of the higher levels and requires 39 Dexterity and 27 Intelligence. It deals 40 damage.

Finally, the Chainsaber can be found in one of the small domes south of The Fort in Tavar. The weapon belongs to Rider, who you may encounter during the Medicine for the Hunters side quest. You’ll need to steal it from a table while Rider is sleeping or facing away from it. The Chainsaber requires 31 Strength and Dexterity and deals 32 damage.


1. Where can I find better weapons in Elex at the beginning of the game?

If you’re looking for better weapons in Elex at the start of the game, you should start by looting every enemy you come across. You can find weapons on them that are better than the ones you start with. You can also check out the vendors in the starting town, as they might have some weapons for sale that are better than the ones you have. Another option is to complete quests as they often reward you with better weapons. You can also try exploring the world and looking for hidden areas or caves, as these often have weapons stashed away that you can take.

2. What are some of the best weapons to look out for in Elex?

There are several weapons in Elex that are considered some of the best in the game. One of them is the Plasma Rifle, which is a powerful energy weapon that can deal a lot of damage. The Flamethrower is another powerful weapon that can be devastating in close combat. The Energy Sword is also a weapon to look out for, as it can deal a lot of damage and has a cool-looking animation. The Grenade Launcher is a great weapon for taking out groups of enemies, and the Sniper Rifle is excellent for picking off enemies from a distance.

3. Can I upgrade my weapons in Elex?

Yes, you can upgrade your weapons in Elex. You can do this by visiting a workbench and using Elexit and other materials to improve your weapons. Upgrades can include increasing the damage the weapon does, improving its accuracy, or adding effects like poison or fire damage. You can also add modifications to your weapons, like scopes or silencers, to make them more effective in combat.

4. What are some tips for finding rare weapons in Elex?

If you’re looking for rare weapons in Elex, there are a few tips you can follow. First, explore the world thoroughly and check every corner and hidden area you come across. Rare weapons are often hidden away in hard-to-find locations. Second, complete quests, as they often reward you with rare weapons. Third, hunt down powerful enemies and bosses, as they can drop rare weapons. Finally, keep an eye out for vendors that sell rare weapons, as they will often have them available for a high price.

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