Elex: The Berserkers

The Berserkers have their main base in Goliet. You can encounter them right at the start of the game. At first glance, they may appear primitive – they wear armor from ancient times, use basic swords and bows, and reside in wooden huts. They do not tolerate any technology and any use of it is met with disapproval from their members (even checking your journal isn’t well-received). However, they are the only faction that can use mana (using Elex to produce it) and perform complex battle and protective spells. They can enchant weapons, summon ghosts to aid them in battle, and even know healing spells. Joining them will allow you to utilize these abilities.

The Berserkers aim to save the planet from the harmful effects of Elex – they grow World Hearts, plants that purify the earth from the substance and allow life to flourish once again. Thanks to them, Edan appears to be the most natural of all the lands – you can find an abundance of vegetation and signs of the Comet’s fall are disappearing.

How to Join the Berserkers?

To join the Berserkers, you must go to Ragnar in Goliet – specifically, at Hotel Ruins of Goliet. After expressing your desire to join, the quest Allies from the Middle Ages will commence – you will need to gain favor with the Berserker leaders (the most important being Ragnar, Cormag, and Angrim). Ragnar will also give you a mission (which is the most significant quest here – your future in the Berserkers depends on its completion) – Departure to Foreign Lands. To complete this quest, you must visit all the major cities in the game.

You can check your progress in gaining trust among the faction at Ragnar’s.

If you accomplish enough for the Berserkers, Ragnar will grant you entry into the faction – you will receive the Cultivator Armor, one Berserker skill point, and the Magical Fist spell. However, keep in mind that these quests don’t always end favorably for the Berserkers – if this happens too often, Ragnar won’t allow you to join. Nevertheless, you can still fix the situation.

Note – the hero can only join one faction. All quests given by other factions will be canceled upon joining one. Remember that during various quests, you may face choices that can either benefit or harm a faction, which may, in turn, either help or hinder you from joining them.


What are Berserkers in Elex?

Berserkers are one of the factions you can join in the game Elex. They are a group of people who live in a forested area and use magic to survive. Berserkers have a strict code of honor and believe in using Elex, a powerful substance in the game, to fuel their magic. They also have a strong connection to nature and believe in protecting it. Players who join the Berserkers can learn magic spells and use them in combat.

How can I join the Berserkers in Elex?

To join the Berserkers, players must complete certain quests and gain favor with the faction. The quests involve helping the Berserkers and following their code of honor. Once you have gained enough favor, you will be given the opportunity to join the faction. Joining the Berserkers will give you access to their unique spells and equipment, as well as their faction quests.

What are the advantages of joining the Berserkers in Elex?

Joining the Berserkers in Elex has several advantages. First, you will gain access to their unique spells and equipment, which can be very powerful in combat. Second, you will be able to complete their faction quests, which can give you valuable rewards and increase your reputation with the faction. Third, you will be able to live in the Berserker’s territory, which is a safe haven from the dangers of the game world. Finally, you will be able to learn more about the Berserkers and their beliefs, which can add depth to the game’s story.

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