Joining a Faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord: Tips for Settlements and Participation in Wars

Joining a faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord unlocks a variety of new possibilities, including taking part in wars and conquering lands. Our guide outlines the two ways to join a faction by becoming a mercenary or vassal.

The factions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord offer fascinating features like participating in wars with other kingdoms, taking part in votes, and gaining your own land in the form of a castle or city. This guide describes how to join a faction in Bannerlord by explaining the difference between being a mercenary and a vassal, how to get settlements, and what factional voting entails.

  • How to become a mercenary?
  • How to become a vassal?
  • How does the voting system work in the kingdom?
  • How to acquire settlements?

Becoming a Mercenary in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

Becoming a mercenary is the simplest way to join a faction. To become a mercenary, you must reach the first level of the clan by completing the mission called Rebuild Your Clan. Next, approach any lord of the faction you want to join. You can find the locations of the lords easily in the game’s encyclopedia by pressing the N key. Once you find the lord, tell him that you want to work as a mercenary.

After that, you will become a mercenary of the faction. The faction’s enemies will become your enemies, and you will receive a small salary every day. However, as a mercenary, you will not have any rights in the faction. You cannot make decisions associated with the kingdom, acquire your city or castle, or call an army. These privileges are only available to vassals.

How to obtain the first tier of the clan?

  1. Earn at least 2,000 pieces of gold.
  2. Recruit at least 20 soldiers.
  3. Reach 50 reputation points.
  4. Hire one companion.

Becoming a Vassal in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

Becoming a vassal offers more options than being a mercenary, such as participating in the kingdom’s voting process. To become a vassal, you must reach the second tier of the clan by gaining reputation through winning battles. The more significant enemy army you defeat, the more reputation points you gain. Once you have gained the required reputation, approach the faction leader and offer him your services as a vassal. If you do not have negative reputation status with him or are already a mercenary of his faction, he will accept your offer.

Now that you are an official vassal of the faction, you can participate in the voting system that determines which vassal shall own conquered lands. Additionally, important decisions that affect all vassals of a particular faction are made through the voting system.

How does the voting system work in the kingdom?

The voting system and final decisions impact all vassals of the faction.

The kingdom holds regular votings to assign newly conquered cities or castles to vassals. Upon conquering a hostile land, a notification will appear regarding the voting process in the kingdom window. During the voting, vassals select who will receive the newly conquered land. Occasionally, the character of the player will also appear in the voting process depending on their reputation status and overall clan strength. Influence Points are used during the voting process, which are gained by winning battles. If a player does not have enough points, they cannot vote.

The voting system also determines current policies of the kingdom, such as changes in the level of taxes or laws associated with influence points. However, some laws may not always bring benefits and can result in more powerful clans acquiring more influence points. Additionally, certain votes and decisions may be unfavorable to specific lords or vassals, resulting in a decrease in reputation status with them.

How can settlements be obtained?

Towns or castles can be obtained through the voting system.

As a vassal, obtaining a town or castle can happen during the voting process when the kingdom assigns land. After joining a faction, vassals are often assigned one castle. Voting on the distribution of land occurs after each town or castle is conquered, and if a vassal appears among the candidates, they can vote for themselves. The more influence points spent, the higher the chance of winning. Lords and vassals with high reputation or relations will often vote in favor of a candidate.


1. How do I join a faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

To join a faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, you need to have a good relationship with the leader of the faction. You can improve your relationship by completing quests, trading, and fighting alongside them in battles. Once your relationship is strong enough, you can talk to the leader and ask to pledge your allegiance to their faction. They will then offer you a contract, which you can sign to officially join the faction.

2. How do I capture settlements in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

To capture settlements in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, you need to besiege them with your army. You can do this by selecting the settlement and choosing the ‘besiege’ option. During the siege, you will need to breach the walls, defeat the defenders and capture the keep. Once you have control of the keep, the settlement will be yours. It’s important to note that settlements can be difficult to defend, so you will need to have a strong army and be prepared for counter-attacks from other factions.

3. What are some tips for joining a faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

To improve your chances of joining a faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, you should focus on building a strong relationship with the leader. This can be done by completing quests, trading, and fighting alongside them in battles. You should also make sure you have a good reputation and high renown, as this will make you a more attractive candidate. It’s also important to consider the faction’s goals and values, and make sure they align with your own.

4. How do I increase my influence in a faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

You can increase your influence in a faction in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord by completing quests, winning battles, and contributing resources to the faction. You can also gain influence by participating in council meetings and making suggestions that are accepted by the other members. It’s important to note that influence is not the same as power, which is held mainly by the faction leader and their close advisors.

5. What are some tips for managing settlements in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

To manage settlements in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, you should focus on developing the economy, constructing buildings, and recruiting soldiers. You should also make sure to defend your settlement from enemy attacks, and keep the population happy by providing food and security. It’s a good idea to have a balance of different types of buildings, such as those that produce resources, those that provide security, and those that improve morale. You should also keep an eye on the settlement’s prosperity level, as this will affect its growth and development.

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