LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target – walkthrough

This page of the LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga guide provides a step-by-step guide to complete the Stay on Target level from Episode 4.

This section of the guide covers the fifth part of Episode 4 (A New Hope), which includes the Stay on Target level and its associated quests. The guide will help you learn how to deliver the Death Star plans, destroy the Death Star defenses, use torpedoes effectively, and ultimately destroy the Death Star.

  • Delivering the Plans
  • Stay on Target – challenges
  • Stay on Target – walkthrough

Delivering the Plans

After a successful escape from the previous story mission, you will be aboard the Millennium Falcon, in outer space. Your objective is to reach the rebel base on Yavin 4. Locate the landing site next to the Great Temple.

Once you have landed, head towards the command center to meet your allies. Stand in the blue circle to start the Stick to the Target level.

Stay on Target – challenges

The Stay on Target level includes three challenges:

  1. Clever Flying – You must use the roll maneuver to avoid Darth Vader’s targeting systems three times. You can complete this challenge in the second part of the mission, where you can freely fly around the square-shaped area. Wait for messages that you are being targeted and then use the roll (L1 R1/LB RB on controllers).
  2. Hope That’s Insured – You must destroy ten turrets while flying through the corridor. This is the first part of the level in which you fly along a fixed route. Just destroy all the turrets. There are more than ten of them.
  3. That’s Not Going to Buff Out… – You must deal serious damage to Darth Vader’s ship. His ship appears in the second part of the level, i.e. while freely flying around the area. Get torpedoes, locate Vader’s ship (example in the picture above), and launch one of the torpedoes.

Stay on Target – walkthrough

The main objective is to destroy the Death Star, but you must first complete a few other tasks.

In the first part of the mission, you follow a fixed path. You must destroy the Death Star’s defenses. Shoot at all structures and enemy fighters that appear in the corridor. Avoid colliding with turrets and other indestructible elements in the environment.

Later, you will come across a fork – choose any route. You will be given the task of protecting the Rebel Y-Wings, but it is actually about attacking enemy TIE Fighters – destroy at least seven of them.

The second part of the mission takes place in a larger area where you can fly freely. From the cut-scene, you will learn that Darth Vader’s ship has joined the fight. Use the roll (L1 R1 or LB RB on the pad) as soon as you get a warning that you are being targeted. You also have to avoid hitting the Death Star.

Two screenshots are shown with examples of torpedoes and destructible objects. Your objective is to destroy the Thermal Exhaust by collecting torpedoes and aiming them at the target. Once locked-on, shoot the torpedo to destroy the object. The final part of the mission is to destroy the Death Star itself. Fly straight and hold down the button icon when it appears.


1. What is LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target?

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target is a video game that is part of the LEGO Star Wars series. It is an action-adventure game that allows players to explore the Star Wars universe as various characters from the franchise, including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader. The game is set to be released in 2021 and will include content from all nine Star Wars films.

2. How do I play LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target?

To play LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target, you will need a gaming console or a PC that meets the game’s requirements. Once you have the game, you can start playing by selecting a character and exploring the galaxy. The game features a variety of missions and challenges that players must complete to progress through the game. Each mission has its own objectives and obstacles that players must overcome to succeed.

3. What makes LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target different from other LEGO Star Wars games?

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target is different from other LEGO Star Wars games because it features content from all nine Star Wars films. This means that players will be able to explore iconic locations and interact with characters from each film in the franchise. Additionally, the game features updated graphics and gameplay mechanics that enhance the overall experience.

4. Are there any tips for successfully playing LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target?

One tip for successfully playing LEGO Skywalker Saga: Stay on Target is to explore each level thoroughly. There are often hidden collectibles and Easter eggs that can be found by exploring every corner of a level. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the objectives for each mission and to use the appropriate characters for each task. Finally, players should make sure to upgrade their characters and equipment regularly to ensure that they are prepared for the challenges ahead.

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