Managing Your Settlement

Indicators for Settlement Management

Let’s take a look at the indicators displayed in the upper portion of the screen (as shown in the picture above):

  • People: shows the number of settlers currently residing in the settlement. By default, the maximum number of settlers is 10, but it increases as you gain more charisma points (1 point = 1 new settler);
  • Food: displays the total amount of food produced by crops;
  • Water: shows the available sources of drinkable water within the settlement territory;
  • Power: displays the total number of power units. These can be utilized to power up various devices (each generator provides a different amount of energy, for example 2 or 3);
  • Defense: shows the total number of defense points for the settlement (each turret, trap, or outpost provides a different number of points, for example 2 or 3);
  • Beds: displays the number of beds or sleeping bags available within the settlement territory;
  • Happiness: shows the overall number representing the happiness of the settlers, which cannot exceed 100 points;
  • Size: displays how much of the settlement area is filled with structures.

The second-to-last indicator, happiness, determines the pace of settlement expansion. Its value is influenced by all of the previously mentioned indicators. Generally speaking, the higher the happiness level, the greater the efficiency of the settlement (such as crop gathering, etc.).

Settlers’ Management

Workshop mode allows you to issue commands to the settlers. To do so, activate workshop mode and then approach the chosen settler and press the action button (order). From there, you can:

  • Select locations that the settler should go to (by pressing the action button at a designated location on the ground, for example);
  • Assign the settler to perform a specific action (by pressing the action button after pointing at a crop, for example, which will prompt them to start farming);

You can assign any settler you want to a specific crop.

  • Assign the settler to use an item (by pressing the action button on a bed, for example, which will prompt them to use that bed);
  • Move some of the settlers to different settlements – to do this, move your cursor to the person you intend to move, and then press the reload button. You will see a list of locations to which you can send the settlement (as shown in the picture above).

Supply Routes

If there is at least one free settler among the inhabitants of the settlement, you will be able to activate a supply route. Supply routes allow you to access junk stocked in workshops of connected settlements (in workshop mode). They also allow you to trade resources between settlements (so, if one settlement lacks food or water, these supplies will be transported automatically from another location via the connected supply route).

To activate a supply route, go to workshop mode, find a free settler, move your cursor to them, and then press the button that activates the VATS system (assign to action: supply route). Then select a settlement (as shown in the picture above). The selected settler will start traveling with a caravan between the settlements.

The map shows the supply route connections and number of routes available. To access this information, press the walk button while viewing the map. It is important to note that activating the supply route requires the Mayor perk at rank 1.


What is settlement management?

Settlement management is the process of overseeing and coordinating the various aspects of a settlement, which can refer to a group of people living in a particular area or the resolution of a legal dispute. In the context of a settlement of people, settlement management can involve tasks such as ensuring access to basic necessities like water and food, managing disputes between residents, and organizing infrastructure such as roads and public buildings. In a legal context, settlement management can involve negotiating the terms of a settlement agreement, ensuring compliance with the terms of the agreement, and resolving any disputes that arise during the implementation of the agreement.

What skills are important for settlement management?

Effective settlement management requires a range of skills, including strong communication and interpersonal skills, as settlement managers often need to work with a diverse range of people and organizations. They must also be able to think strategically and solve problems creatively, as settlements often face complex challenges that require innovative solutions. Additionally, settlement managers must have a good understanding of relevant laws, regulations, and policies, and be able to apply this knowledge to the specific needs of the settlement they are managing. Finally, strong leadership and project management skills are essential to ensure that settlement management initiatives are successfully planned, implemented, and evaluated over time.

What are the benefits of effective settlement management?

Effective settlement management can have a range of benefits for both individuals and communities. For individuals living in settlements, good management can improve access to basic necessities such as water, food, and healthcare, and can help to resolve disputes in a fair and timely manner. Effective management can also lead to improved safety and security, as well as better infrastructure and public services. For communities as a whole, good settlement management can contribute to economic growth and development, and can help to create a sense of belonging and social cohesion among residents. Finally, effective settlement management can help to promote sustainable development practices and protect the environment for future generations.

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