
Sneaking and Pickpocketing in Fallout 4


Sneaking allows you to move without being detected by enemies. This ability is based on Agility points, and you can improve it with the Sneak perk that adds +20% to your stealth. Sneaking requires you to consider the distance to enemies, the amount of light, and noise. Some enemy bases have headlights that track you, making it impossible to sneak up. Also, security turrets detect you faster than humans and monsters. The Pip-Boy’s flashlight also makes you visible, making it impossible to sneak up effectively.

You can activate Sneaking mode by pressing one button, which is also responsible for crouching. When in this mode, you automatically move slower and quieter. A bar appears in the middle of the screen, showing your status: hidden, detected (preventing you from stealing), caution (when detected by enemies), and danger (when enemies attack you). Each status can change slowly if you hide and wait.

Sneaking attacks have two benefits: greater accuracy and a damage bonus for surprise attacks. The default bonus is 2x the damage dealt. With the Ninja perk (requires agility), you can increase the multiplier.


You can pickpocket only in stealth mode. Approach an NPC and the steal option will become available. You must be invisible when attempting to steal, or you can be attacked. Checking someone’s equipment is not considered bad behavior. Only when you try to steal something, it becomes robbery. Not every item can be stolen, especially if you have low agility. Aim for small items like keys and notes. The chances of success are higher if you have high agility.

You can steal enemies’ weapons and ammunition to make them defenseless, which is useful for mini-bosses. You can also place grenades or mines in other people’s inventory to cause damage while remaining undetected. This trick earns you the Prankster’s Return trophy/achievement.


What is pickpocketing?

Pickpocketing is a form of theft where the thief steals items from a person’s pockets or bag without their knowledge or consent. The thief sneaks up on the victim and uses their skill and dexterity to remove items such as wallets, phones, and keys from the victim’s pockets or bag. Pickpocketing is a serious crime and can cause emotional distress to the victim in addition to financial losses.

How can I protect myself from pickpockets?

There are several ways to protect yourself from pickpockets. One way is to be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables in a secure location. You can also carry a small bag or purse that you can keep close to your body. Another way to protect yourself is to avoid crowded areas where pickpockets may be lurking. Additionally, you can keep your wallet or phone in a front pocket, or use a money belt or pouch that you wear under your clothing.

What should I do if I am a victim of pickpocketing?

If you are a victim of pickpocketing, the first thing you should do is report the theft to the police. Be sure to provide as much information as possible about the stolen items, including any serial numbers or identifying features. You should also cancel any credit or debit cards that were stolen and notify your bank. If your phone was stolen, you can contact your service provider to block the phone and prevent unauthorized charges. It is important to act quickly to minimize the damage caused by the theft.

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