The Long Journey with MacCready

How to activate: Accompany MacCready and gain his approval


  • Travel to the Mass Pike Interchange
  • Kill Winlock
  • Kill Barnes
  • Talk to MacCready
  • Continue traveling with MacCready
  • Bring MacCready to Med-Tek Research
  • Enter Med-Tek Research
  • Find the Executive Terminal
  • Override Containment Lockdown
  • Enter Med-Tek Sub-Level
  • Get the cure for MacCready
  • Talk to MacCready
  • Bring the cure to Daisy in Goodneighbor

Eliminate Targets in Mass Pike

Use the yellow elevator to reach the hideout.

The mission is divided into two main parts. To unlock the first one, you need to earn a few approval points from MacCready. This can be done easily by stealing items, particularly from buildings. Once you have enough approval, MacCready will initiate a conversation with you.

During the first part of the quest, you must travel to the Mass Pike Interchange, where a group of mercenaries have their base on the highway. To reach it, you must locate a yellow elevator below. In addition to regular enemies, you will encounter an opponent with power armor and two key enemies – Winlock and Barnes – whom you must eliminate (they are your only objectives).

Visit the Med-Tek Laboratory and Retrieve the Cure

After eliminating the targets, travel a bit further with MacCready and earn more approval.

Once you complete the first part of the quest, continue traveling with MacCready and earn his approval. After a while, you will learn that his son is ill and that you need to find a cure for him. The cure can be found in the basement of the Med-Tek Research facility.

MacCready will give you access to the terminal.

The entire laboratory is occupied by various ghouls. First, you need to use the collapsed ceilings to reach the highest floor. In one of the rooms, you will find a working terminal. Once you approach it and eliminate the enemies in your line of sight, MacCready will provide you with the password to the computer. You can then proceed to the ground floor and use the second terminal.

In the basement, you will encounter stronger ghouls than the ones in the main building.

After traversing the corridor, you must use the elevator to reach the basement. There is a locked laboratory on the lower level. Inside, there are many ghouls, so it’s worth preparing a trap for them at the door. The cure can be found on the table in the middle of the room. You can return to the surface more quickly by using the elevator in front of the laboratory entrance.

Deliver the Cure to Daisy

Speak to Daisy in Goodneighbor.

The final phase of the quest involves bringing the medicine to Daisy, the shopkeeper in Goodneighbor. After a brief conversation, the quest will come to a close. You may need to complete side quests for her before you can give her the medicine.

Quest rewards: Experience points.


1. Who is MacCready and what is his role in the game?

MacCready is a companion character in the popular video game Fallout 4. He is a mercenary and former member of the Little Lamplight colony, who offers his services as a companion to the player character. MacCready is known for his sharp wit and sarcastic sense of humor, as well as his proficiency with firearms.

2. What is the Long Road Ahead quest and how do I start it?

The Long Road Ahead is a quest that becomes available after the player has completed a certain amount of quests and has reached a certain level of affinity with MacCready. In this quest, the player helps MacCready with a personal matter involving his son. To start the quest, the player must first complete several quests with MacCready as a companion and raise his affinity level by making certain choices and actions that he approves of.

3. What are some tips for completing the Long Road Ahead quest?

One of the most important things to keep in mind when completing the Long Road Ahead quest is to be patient and take your time. There are several challenges that the player will face, including difficult enemies and obstacles, but with careful planning and strategic use of weapons and companions, it is possible to overcome them. It is also important to listen carefully to MacCready’s dialogue and make choices that align with his values and goals.

4. What rewards can I expect to receive for completing the Long Road Ahead quest?

Completing the Long Road Ahead quest will result in several rewards, including a unique weapon, the “Medic’s Handgun”, which can be used to heal companions in battle. The player will also gain a significant amount of experience points and reputation with MacCready, which can be used to further customize his abilities and equipment. Additionally, completing the quest will unlock new dialogue options and story paths for the player to explore.

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