Underground Undercover

To start this quest, you must be allied with the Railroad faction and have completed the Boston After Dark quest. The quest will begin when you play The Molecular Level quest.

The objectives for this quest are:

  • Upload encrypted message on any Institute terminal
  • Read Patriot’s reply
  • Meet Patriot
  • Follow Liam
  • Talk to Liam
  • Talk to Desdemona
  • Enter report on terminal
  • Talk with PAM
  • Get password for Code Defender
  • Return to Desdemona
  • Meet with Z1-14
  • Give password to Liam Binet
  • Give Z1-14 a day
  • Meet with Z1-14
  • (Optional) Deposit weapons for rebels
  • Kill the tunnel guards
  • Return to Z1-14
  • Continue working with Father
  • Meet with Z1-14
  • Warn Desdemona

Contact the Patriot

Scan the network using the holotape Desdemona gave you after building the teleport for The Molecular Level quest. Use the holotape at the terminal before the transmitter. Follow the mission marker to find the Patriot, who will introduce you to Z1-14.

The Patriot – Liam Binet

After talking with the Patriot, go to Desdemona in the Railroad H.Q. She will direct you to Cambridge Polymer Labs, where a quest related to the location will start. You can complete or ignore it. Go to the back of the building and find a corridor with many rooms. Go to the first floor.

Obtain the password from the Cambridge laboratory

Open the door in the western direction using the lock picking (expert lock) or walk through the door on the opposite side to enter the ventilation shaft and get behind the closed door. Watch out for the trap behind it if you are using the lock picking method. Return to Desdemona after leaving the building through the same road.


Return to the Institute and give the password to the Patriot. Talk to Z1-14, who will ask you to wait for one day. Wait for 24 hours by sitting on the nearby bench.

Optional – deliver weapons to the rebels

If you want, equip the escaping rebels with weapons. Place 10 weapons of any type in the chest to complete the optional objective. The rebels will use the weapons later. Talk to Z1-14 again to proceed with the final part of the quest.

Release the Rebels

Eliminate all the designated synths and ignite the gasoline on the ground to complete the task.

Proceed to the indicated location and take down the synth-guards, who will not initially pose a threat to you. The rebels will assist you in this mission, so you need not worry about their safety. Upon completing your objective, return to Z1-14, where the quest will be put on hold temporarily. In the meantime, you can undertake the Operation Ticonderoga quest at Railroad H.Q.

Upon completing a few quests in the main storyline and reaching the mandatory quest of Powering Up, The End of the Line quest will resume. You will then have the opportunity to visit Railroad H.Q. and warn Desdemona of the impending attack from the Brotherhood of Steel.

Quest rewards include experience points and a unique Railway Rifle.


What is Underground Undercover?

Underground Undercover is a quest in the popular video game Fallout 4. In this quest, the player character joins a faction called the Railroad and helps them liberate synths, or artificially created humans, from the Institute, a shadowy organization that seeks to control the Commonwealth, the game’s post-apocalyptic setting. The quest is notable for its stealth and infiltration gameplay, as well as its complex moral choices, as the player must decide whether to side with the Railroad or the Institute.

How do I start the Underground Undercover quest?

In order to start the Underground Undercover quest, the player must first complete a series of quests for the Railroad faction. This includes the quests “Tradecraft,” “Mercer Safehouse,” and “Boston After Dark,” among others. Once the player has completed these quests, they will receive the quest “Underground Undercover” from Desdemona, the leader of the Railroad. It is important to note that certain choices made earlier in the game can affect whether or not the player is able to join the Railroad and thus access this quest.

What are the rewards for completing Underground Undercover?

As with many quests in Fallout 4, the rewards for completing Underground Undercover are primarily in the form of experience points, loot, and reputation with the Railroad faction. However, this quest is also notable for its impact on the game’s story, as the player’s choices in the quest can affect the outcome of the game’s main storyline and determine which faction ultimately gains control of the Commonwealth. Additionally, completing this quest can unlock access to other Railroad quests and storylines.

Are there any tips for completing Underground Undercover?

Underground Undercover can be a challenging quest, as it requires the player to infiltrate the heavily guarded Institute and make difficult moral choices about the fate of the synths. Some tips for completing the quest include investing in stealth and hacking skills, as well as choosing dialogue options that align with the player’s chosen faction. It is also important to save frequently and be prepared for unexpected plot twists and turns. Ultimately, the key to successfully completing Underground Undercover is to stay focused, stay stealthy, and stay true to your character’s beliefs and motivations.

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