How to Start Substories in Like a Dragon Ishin

This guide will provide you with the necessary information to unlock and start Substories in Like a Dragon Ishin. You will learn about the rules for initiating side quests and whether Substories are indicated on the map with specific icons.

Like a Dragon Ishin offers various optional activities, including side quests known as Substories. This guide will help you understand how to begin Substories, locate them on the map, and determine whether the game displays icons associated with them on the map.

  • Activating Substories
  • Inviting Hat – an Item for Finding New Substories
  • Side Quest Markers on the Map

Activating Substories

In Like a Dragon Ishin, there are 72 Substories available, but they are not marked with icons on the map by default. You must find them on your own.

Substories begin automatically once you reach the location associated with them on the world map:

  1. A cutscene related to the side quest may occur;
  2. A character may approach you and ask for help.

You can also initiate Substories by conversing with characters you encounter during gameplay. It can be difficult to differentiate between them and regular NPCs who speak generic dialogue. If a “normal” conversation has begun, skip the dialogue to end it as quickly as possible.

We recommend exploring the streets of each newly discovered district and checking both day and night times, as some Substories can only be initiated at night.

The starting points for Substories are detailed in a separate page in the guide, under the Secrets and Activities chapter.

Inviting Hat – an Item for Finding New Substories

Later in the game, you can obtain an item that will assist you in locating undiscovered side quests. In the western part of the Mibu district, you will encounter a boy discussing a bear he spotted. Overhearing this conversation will unlock Substory #63 – The Boy Who Cried Bear.

Substory Link – Substory #63 – The Boy Who Cried Bear.

As part of this side quest, you must defeat a massive bear. Upon completion of the quest, you will receive the Inviting Hat – a Headband. Wearing the hat will cause the game to mark available Substories on the map with an exclamation mark icon.

Additional Note – Keep in mind that some Substories can only be initiated at specific times of day. Put on the hat after changing the time of day to evening or night.

Side Quest Markers on the Map

While some Substories take place in the same location where they are initiated, others require you to visit other areas. Exclamation marks may then appear on the city map (as shown in the example picture) – they indicate where you need to go. Exclamation marks are only displayed if your character knows the approximate destination.


1. How do I unlock substories in Like a Dragon Ishin?

In Like a Dragon Ishin, substories are unlocked by progressing through the main story. As you complete chapters, new substories will become available. You can also check your map for blue icons that indicate a new substory is available. Simply approach the icon and interact with the character to start the substory.

2. Can I complete substories out of order?

Yes, you can complete substories out of order in Like a Dragon Ishin. However, some substories may have prerequisites that need to be completed first. Make sure to pay attention to the dialogue and objectives in each substory to ensure you have the necessary items or completed the necessary tasks.

3. How do I track my progress in substories?

You can track your progress in substories by accessing the menu and selecting the “Substories” tab. This will show you a list of all the substories you have unlocked and their current progress. You can also see which substories you have completed and which ones still need to be finished.

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