How to Unlock Other Districts of Kyo in Like a Dragon Ishin?

When playing Like a Dragon Ishin, you won’t have immediate access to the entire Kyo city. This guide page explains the limitations of exploring the world map, including the initial Kyo district, the roadblocks to reaching other parts of the city, and how to unlock the Mukurogai, Rakugai, and Ragunai districts.

This page of our Like a Dragon: Ishin guide explains when and how you can visit other districts of Kyo City. We discuss Fushimi, the district where you begin your adventure, gates blocking access to Mukurogai, Rakugai, Ragunai, Mibu, and Gion, and finally how to unlock further districts to explore Kyo in its entirety.

  • Fushimi – the district where you begin your adventure
  • Inability to access other districts
  • First visit to Mukurogai
  • Returning to Mukurogai
  • Unlocking Rakugai and Rakunai
  • Unlocking Mibu and Gion

Fushimi – the District Where You Begin Your Adventure

Kyo is the largest city in the game, and your first visit to it will take place during Chapter 2 (The Man Named Saito Hajime).

Initially, the city may seem small because only the first district – Fushimi – is available.

Inability to Access Other Districts

While exploring Fushimi, you’ll come across a large locked gate in the northern part of the district. A guard posted there will inform you that traveling to other parts of Kyo is currently not possible.

First Visit to Mukurogai

In the latter part of Chapter 2, Ryoma must visit Mukurogai. The opportunity to travel there appears after meeting the Boatman in the dojo and expressing your desire to travel during the conversation.

Mukurogai is a district of bandits and vagabonds. Once you enter it, another Boatman is available who can take you back to Fushimi if you want to leave before completing all your errands there.

There is another locked gate in Mukurogai. The guard stationed there will inform you that you can’t visit Rakunai and Rakugai districts yet. For now, complete Chapter 2 before continuing your exploration.

Returning to Mukurogai

Related map marker: Boat to Mukurogai @ Kyo Interactive Map

Related map marker: Mukurogai Gate @ Kyo Interactive Map

Related map marker: Boat to Fushimi @ Kyo Interactive Map

After finishing Chapter 2, returning to Mukurogai is somewhat difficult as it is clearly separated from the other districts. In Chapter 3, the northern gate of Mukurogai is closed and inactive. To proceed, wait until night hours for a Resident to appear there. He suggests that he will let Ryoma in exchange for something to drink – for that purpose, visit Don Quijote and buy sake. From then on, you can use the gate freely to access Mukurogai.

An alternative solution is to pay the Boatman, who can be found in Shinmachi, in the southeastern part of the Fushimi district.

To take a boat ride in Mukurogai, you need to pay a minimum of 500 Mon. If you plan to leave Mukurogai by boat, you will have to make an additional payment.

Accessing Rakugai and Rakunai

After Chapter 3 begins, two vast areas, Rakugai and Rakunai, become accessible. You can enter through a large gate in the northern part of Fushimi.

The newly unlocked areas can be viewed on the city map, and you are free to explore them. You can also use fast travel, which is described in detail in a separate guide.

Accessing Mibu and Gion

The smaller districts of Kyo, Mibu, and Gion, have their own separate maps.

The passage to Mibu is located in the north-western part of Rakunai and is used for the first time in Chapter 3 on your way to the Barracks as part of the main storyline.

The pathway to Gion is a long bridge in the northeastern part of Rakunai that is initially inaccessible. Gion becomes available in the final part of Chapter 3 after you receive a task to meet Hijikata.


1. What is Like a Dragon Ishin and how do you unlock other districts of Kyo?

Like a Dragon Ishin is a video game that takes place in Japan’s Edo period. To unlock the other districts of Kyo, you will need to progress through the main story until Chapter 5. Once you reach Chapter 5, you will receive a letter that will allow you to travel to other districts. To access the letter, go to the post office in the game and check your mail. After this, you will be able to travel to other districts and explore everything that Like a Dragon Ishin has to offer.

2. What are some things to do in the other districts of Kyo in Like a Dragon Ishin?

There are many things to do in the other districts of Kyo in Like a Dragon Ishin. You can explore new areas, meet new characters, and take on new quests. In addition, there are a variety of mini-games to play, such as gambling, fishing, and batting cages. You can also visit different shops to buy new items and equipment. Each district has its own unique charm and things to do, so make sure to check them all out!

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