
Processing Logs in Sons of the Forest

Logs are the primary building material for constructing various shelter elements in Sons of the Forest. This game guide page will explain how to obtain logs and process them to make them suitable for construction.

The next page will provide tips on how to obtain and cut logs that can be used for crafting shelter elements and furniture.

  • Harvesting logs
  • Cutting logs

Harvesting logs

To obtain a log, you must first cut down a tree using the Tactical Ax available from the beginning of the game. Hit the tree with the left mouse button until it falls to the ground.

It may be necessary to change the character’s position to achieve the desired results because constantly hitting one spot may not be effective.

Cutting logs

Some blueprints require logs of different sizes, so it is crucial to cut them correctly. The cut location is indicated by a red dashed line (as shown in the image above). Clicking the left mouse button will cause the character to aim, and pressing it again will result in cutting a piece of the log.

Logs can be cut lengthwise or crosswise, depending on the desired form for construction. Regardless of the final shape, the cutting process remains the same.


1. What is log processing in Sons of the Forest?

In Sons of the Forest, log processing is a crucial aspect of survival in the game. As a player, you will need to chop down trees and use the logs to build structures, create weapons, and start fires. Log processing involves taking the logs you have chopped and turning them into usable materials. This can be done by using a saw to cut the logs into planks or by splitting them into firewood with an axe. Efficient log processing is essential to avoid wasting time and energy in the game.

2. How do you process logs in Sons of the Forest?

To process logs in Sons of the Forest, you first need to chop down a tree using an axe. Once you have felled the tree, you can use your saw to cut the log into planks. To do this, you need to stand near the log and hold down the left mouse button to start sawing. You can also split the log into firewood by using an axe. To do this, stand near the log and hold down the right mouse button until the split is complete. After processing, the planks or firewood will be added to your inventory, ready to use.

3. What are the benefits of efficient log processing in Sons of the Forest?

Efficient log processing in Sons of the Forest can save you time and energy in the game. By processing logs quickly and effectively, you can build structures and create weapons faster, allowing you to progress further in the game. It can also help you to conserve resources, as you will be able to make the most of the logs you have chopped down. Additionally, if you are playing in survival mode, efficient log processing is essential to keep warm and start fires, as you will need firewood to stay alive.

4. Is log processing difficult in Sons of the Forest?

Log processing in Sons of the Forest is not particularly difficult, but it does require some practice to get the hang of. You will need to learn how to use your axe and saw effectively to chop down trees and process logs quickly. Additionally, you will need to manage your inventory carefully to make sure you have enough space to carry the planks or firewood you have created. However, with a bit of practice, log processing should become second nature, allowing you to focus on other aspects of survival in the game.

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