
PvP Modes in New World

New World provides players with various PvP modes, including faction wars, outpost raids, duels, and open-world PvP. In this guide, you can learn the details of each mode.

To participate in PvP, players must belong to a faction. This page provides all the information you need to know about PvP modes. You will learn about open-world PvP, how to challenge other players to duels, the rules of faction wars, and how to join the taking over of Rally Points.

  • Open world PvP
  • Duels
  • Faction wars
  • Outpost Rush

Open-world PvP

Players of different factions can fight each other in the game world. To activate PvP mode, you must reach level 10 and press the U key. Once activated, you can attack and be attacked by other players with PvP mode enabled. This makes exploration and quests more challenging, as you can encounter stronger players or whole groups of players from other factions. Enabling PvP mode not only allows you to fight other players, but it also provides bonus experience. Note that Forts are popular spots for players willing to PvP, while settlements are safe from PvP battles.


You can challenge other players to a duel in New World by accessing the community menu or typing the command /duel [player’s nickname] in the chat. The fight is fairer than open-world PvP, as it is only between the two players participating in the duel.

Faction Wars

Joining a faction and company unlocks faction wars in New World. A war begins when one faction aims to take over the territory of another faction. You can join a war by interacting with a war board in a settlement on the war territory. War involves two 50-player groups attacking or defending checkpoints. Note that declaring war is expensive, and companies often collect gold for war among their members.

Outpost Rush

Outpost Rush is available at level 60 and involves fighting between factions, similar to faction wars. However, the number of players participating in Rush is less (20 vs 20), and it does not require spending gold, only having the right number of players. You can start Outpost Rush at any member of your faction. The event is about collecting resources, taking control over posts, and killing opponents.


1. What are the PvP modes in New World?

New World offers two main PvP modes: Open World PvP and Wars. Open World PvP allows players to engage in combat with each other in the open world, while Wars are large-scale battles between companies for control of territories.

2. How does Open World PvP work in New World?

In Open World PvP, players can attack and be attacked by other players in designated areas. These areas are marked on the map and players can choose to opt-in or opt-out of PvP mode. Once a player is flagged for PvP, they can be attacked by any other player who is also flagged. Players who engage in PvP combat will receive rewards such as experience points and loot.

3. What are Wars in New World?

Wars are large-scale battles between companies for control of territories. Companies can declare war on each other and the battle takes place in a designated territory. The goal is to capture and control specific points on the map. The winning company gains control of the territory and can collect taxes from players who use the facilities in that area.

4. Can players participate in Wars without being in a company?

No, players must be part of a company to participate in Wars. Companies can recruit players and form alliances with other companies to strengthen their chances of winning.

5. Is there any penalty for engaging in PvP combat?

There is no penalty for engaging in PvP combat in New World. However, players who die will drop some of their inventory items and may have to respawn at a nearby settlement. Additionally, players who are repeatedly killed by the same player or company may become “flagged” and receive a debuff that reduces their combat effectiveness.

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