The Witcher Monster Slayer: Evil Never Sleeps – Guide and Walkthrough

This guide provides a walkthrough for the quest Evil Never Sleeps in The Witcher Monster Slayer.

This guide will take you through the entire quest in detail, including all the steps you need to complete to finish it successfully.

Your rewards for completing this quest are 250 XP and 35 gold coins.

  • Unlocking the Quest
  • Combat Strategy
  • Amulet Curse
  • Breaking the Curse
  • Defeating The Evil
  • Return to Bedwyr

Unlocking the Quest

The quest Evil Never Sleeps can be unlocked only after completing the first four quests available in the game, namely Final Exam, Winged Bandit, A Joint Venture, and Good Money. Once you reach the first point on the map, the quest will be activated.

Combat Strategy

You will meet Bedwyr at the quest location, and he will ask you to kill giant spiders. The spiders’ location will be marked on the map, and you need to go there and defeat them. To make this fight easier, it is recommended that you bring the right sword and oils with you.

Amulet Curse

After defeating the spiders, you will receive an amulet that will put a curse on you, making all monsters on the map look like wraiths.

Breaking the Curse

To break the curse, you need to read the scholar’s journal, which you will find in your inventory. The journal will tell you that you need to get two ingredients – leshy moss and water hemlock – both of which will be marked on the map. You need to find them and defeat the monsters that block your path to gather these ingredients.

Once you have the ingredients, you need to light a fire and throw in the amulet and ingredient mixture. This will summon another opponent.

Defeating The Evil

The monster that you summon is quite strong, so it is recommended that you prepare the Swift potion and a Relict Oil to make the fight easier. You can discard the amulet immediately or get rid of it 1000 steps away from the campfire, as suggested by the logbook.

Return to Bedwyr

After defeating the monster, you need to go back to Bedwyr, who gave you the quest. He will apologize and explain why he asked you to carry out this task.


1. What is The Witcher Monster Slayer?

The Witcher Monster Slayer is an augmented reality game developed by the Polish studio Spokko. It is based on the popular book series and video game franchise, The Witcher. In the game, players assume the role of a witcher and venture out into the world to hunt down and defeat monsters. The game has a variety of monsters to hunt and players can use a variety of weapons and abilities to take them down.

2. How do I play The Witcher Monster Slayer?

To play The Witcher Monster Slayer, you will need to download the game from the App Store or Google Play. Once you have installed the game, you will need to create a character and choose your weapons and abilities. You will then be able to venture out into the world and hunt down monsters using your phone’s camera and GPS. The game uses augmented reality to create a more immersive experience, so you will need to move around in the real world to find monsters and engage in combat.

3. What monsters can I expect to face in The Witcher Monster Slayer?

The Witcher Monster Slayer features a variety of monsters from the Witcher universe, including ghouls, drowners, and werewolves. Each monster has its own unique abilities and weaknesses, so players will need to use different strategies to defeat them. Some monsters may require specific weapons or abilities to take down, so it’s important to experiment and try different approaches.

4. Are there any tips for playing The Witcher Monster Slayer?

One tip for playing The Witcher Monster Slayer is to pay attention to your surroundings. Since the game uses augmented reality, it’s important to be aware of your physical environment and avoid walking into obstacles or dangerous areas. Additionally, it’s a good idea to experiment with different weapons and abilities to find what works best for you. Finally, be patient and persistent – some monsters may require multiple attempts to defeat, but the satisfaction of finally taking them down is worth the effort.

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