[4] Eastern Skyrim – Part 2 | World Maps

This page of the TES V: Skyrim World Atlas covers the second set of locations (points 20-45) from the fourth sector of the world map, specifically the eastern part of the world. Our guide will direct you to each location and highlight any unique features, such as quests and special loot.

  • 21. Bonestrew Crest
  • 22. Steamcrag Camp
  • 23. Narzulbur
  • 24. Gloombound Mine
  • 25. Cragwallow Slope
  • 26. Mzulft
  • 27. Fort Amol
  • 28. Lost Knife Hideout
  • 29. Eldergleam Sanctuary
  • 30. Darkwater Crossing
  • 31. The Atronach Stone
  • 32. Mistwatch
  • 33. Eastmarch Imperial Camp
  • 34. Stony Creek Cave
  • 35. Kagrenzel
  • 36. Craglane Cavern
  • 37. Ansilvund
  • 38. Nilheim
  • 39. Darkwater Pass
  • 40. Snapleg Cave
  • 41. Clearspring Tarn
  • 42. Northwind Mine
  • 43. Northwind Summit
  • 44. Shor’s Watchtower
  • 45. Tolvald’s Cave

21. Bonestrew Crest

Location type: Dragon lair

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: At the beginning of the game, skeletons occupy this location. However, upon completing the Dragon Rising quest, you’ll encounter a dragon at this site.

22. Steamcrag Camp

Location type: Campsite

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: It’s best to avoid exploring this campsite until later in the game, as you’ll encounter mammoths and a giant here.

23. Narzulbur

Location type: Fort

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: A friendly group of orcs resides in this fort.

24. Gloombound Mine

Location type: Campsite; Cave

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: There are no enemies to encounter at this location.

25. Cragwallow Slope

Location type: Cave

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: A sorcerer and monsters occupy this cave.

26. Mzulft

Location type: Ruins

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: Monsters and dwarven machinery inhabit these ruins. It’s best to explore them while completing the Revealing the Unseen College of Winterhold quest.

27. Fort Amol

Location type: Fort

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: The enemy occupies this fortress, and it’s best to explore it while completing The Battle for Fort Amol civil war quest (Imperial Legion).

28. Lost Knife Hideout

Location type: Cave

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: Bandits occupy this cave.

29. Eldergleam Sanctuary

Location type: Cave

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: It’s best to visit this sanctuary while completing The Blessings of Nature side quest, as you’ll be allowed to fully explore it. You won’t encounter any enemies when you arrive here for the first time, although your actions within the sanctuary may result in nearby spriggans attacking the main character.

30. Darkwater Crossing

Location type: Campsite; Cave

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: There are no enemies to encounter at this location.

31. The Atronach Stone

Location type: Standing Stones

Accessibility: Always available

Comments: One of thirteen magical standing stones is located here, and interacting with it can grant you a powerful blessing.

32. Mistwatch

Location type: Fort

Accessibility: Always available

Notes: The bandits have taken over the fortress.


Type of location: campsite

Accessibility: always

Notes: If you are aligned with the Stormcloaks rebellion, stay away from this camp as you will be attacked on sight. However, if you are friends with the Imperials, this location is worth exploring while completing their civil war quests.


Type of location: cave

Accessibility: always

Notes: The cave is occupied by bandits and is best explored while completing the Miscellaneous: Find Finn’s Lute Bard’s College quest. There are two entrances to the cave: the main entrance can be reached by swimming (as shown in the screenshot above), or through underground corridors starting from Kagrenzel (sector 4, number 35).


Type of location: dungeon

Accessibility: always

Notes: The temple is occupied by falmers.


Type of location: cave

Accessibility: always

Notes: The cavern is occupied by bandits.


Type of location: dungeon

Accessibility: always

Notes: The crypt is occupied by enemy mages and monsters.


Type of location: fort

Accessibility: always

Notes: The fortress is occupied by bandits.


Type of location: cave

Accessibility: always

Notes: The cave is occupied by monsters.


Type of location: cave

Accessibility: always

Notes: The cave is occupied by wild animals and witches.


Type of location: pond; cave

Accessibility: always

Notes: The trolls have taken over the pond and its surroundings.


Type of location: cave

Accessibility: always

Notes: The mine is occupied by skeletons.


Type of location: dragon lair

Accessibility: always

Notes: You can only reach the summit by going through the Northwind Mine (sector 4, number 42). Skeletons occupy the location at the beginning of the game, but if you explore it after completing the Dragon Rising quest, you will encounter a dragon here.


Type of location: fort

Accessibility: always

Notes: There are no enemies to encounter here.


Type of location: cave

Accessibility: always

Notes: The cave is occupied by monsters and is best explored while completing the No Stone Unturned Thieves Guild quest (AFTER finding all 24 unusual gems).


1. What kind of locations can be found in the eastern part of Skyrim?

The eastern part of Skyrim is home to a variety of locations, including cities, towns, villages, fortresses, and ruins. Some notable locations in the east include Windhelm, the capital of Eastmarch, which is known for its impressive architecture and rich history; Riften, a bustling city located near the border with Morrowind, which is home to the Thieves Guild; and Darkwater Crossing, a small mining village that is known for its silver mines and hot springs.

2. Are there any unique landmarks in the eastern part of Skyrim?

Yes, there are several unique landmarks to discover in the eastern part of Skyrim. One such landmark is the Throat of the World, a towering mountain located in the southern part of Eastmarch. The mountain is sacred to the Nords and is said to be the place where the god Shor first created the world. Another notable landmark is the Tower of Mzark, an ancient Dwemer ruin located in the northern part of Blackreach. The tower is home to an Elder Scroll and is a popular destination for adventurers seeking ancient knowledge.

3. What kind of enemies can players expect to encounter in the eastern part of Skyrim?

Players can expect to encounter a variety of enemies in the eastern part of Skyrim, including bandits, trolls, giants, and dragons. The east is also home to several factions that players may have to contend with, such as the Stormcloaks, the Imperials, and the Thalmor. Additionally, some areas in the east are infested with Falmer, an underground-dwelling race of elf-like creatures that are known for their viciousness and stealth.

4. How can players navigate the eastern part of Skyrim?

Players can navigate the eastern part of Skyrim by using the in-game map and compass, as well as by following road signs and asking locals for directions. Additionally, players can hire a carriage to take them to specific locations, or use a horse to travel more quickly. For those who prefer a more immersive experience, there are several mods available that add new navigation options, such as map markers that can be placed by the player.

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