City Influence: Windhelm – Summerset Shadows

New objective: Talk to Torsten Cruel-Sea

Important! This mission will only be given to you after you have completed five additional quests in Windhelm (given by Vex or Delvin Mallory at The Ragged Flagon).

Remember! Completing all the City Influence missions and finishing the main Thieves Guild storyline will allow you to become the Guild Leader.

Once you have completed five additional jobs in Windhelm, Delvin or Vex will offer you a special mission: to inform a newly formed, rival Thieves Guild that they are trespassing on your territory. For this, you will need to go to Windhelm and meet with Torsten Cruel-Sea (as shown in the image above). He will most likely be walking around the city, so it won’t be difficult to find him (check his position on the mini-map: M and then L). Speak to him to learn that the members of the new Guild do not avoid violence – they killed Torsten’s daughter during a robbery. The vengeful Nord will give you the name of a possible Guild member. You should meet her and sort things out.

New objective: Talk to Niranye

You can find the Altmer at her house or at the marketplace where she works. Once you have reached her, you have a few options. You can use persuasion and force her to speak, intimidate her by threatening to call the guards, kill her (searching her corpse will give you a note with the necessary information), or tell her that you must have mistaken her for someone else (which will activate the optional objective to discover leverage to sway Niranye). The first three options will allow you to establish that there is a new Thieves organization in Skyrim called the Summerset Shadows.

Their headquarters can be found at the Uttering Hills Cave, where you should now head. The gang consists only of High Elves, so you should not have any problems fighting them (High Elves are not the best warriors around).

New objective: Discover leverage to sway Niranye (optional)

If you do not succeed at persuading or intimidating the Altmer and do not want to shed any blood, you can admit to making a mistake and end the conversation. You will then have to search the Elf’s house for evidence that you can use during the interrogation.

Break into Niranye’s house at night or when she is working at the marketplace. Approach the hidden door and open it (as shown in the image above). Head down into the basement and picklock the safe. Inside, you will find the Second Letter from Linwe, which will be perfect for leverage. Find the woman and show her the document to make her talk.

New objective: Travel to Uttering Hills Cave

Leave Windhelm and head west. Keep following the path until you reach the thieves’ camp. Finding it is not easy at all, so I have marked it on the map below.

Inside the camp, you will find two thugs whom you can kill without any formalities. Afterward, enter the cave.

The new main objective is to recover Fjolti’s Silver Locket, while the new optional objective is to destroy the Summerset Shadow’s Banner. Once inside the cave, eliminate any enemies that come your way. The Altmer in the cave have low health and are easily defeated with magic attacks. They are not a threat in direct combat. As you progress deeper into the cave, you will find the thieves’ banner. Burning it down completes the optional objective and increases your reward. Linwe, who has the Silver Locket, can be found in the room to the right of the banner. Once you have the locket, return to Torsten Cruel-Sea. Killing any competing thieves will serve as a warning to those who oppose the Guild in the future.

After returning the locket to Torsten, he will thank you for completing the mission and offer to help Delvin Mallory in Kinesgrove if needed. Niranye, the Altmer who informed you about the Summerset Shadows, will become your fence in Kinesgrove. It’s advisable to visit her occasionally, as she often has valuable artifacts.


1. What is the history of Windhelm?

Windhelm is one of the oldest cities in Skyrim, with a rich and complex history. It was founded by Ysgramor, the legendary hero, who came to Skyrim with his companions, the Five Hundred Companions. The city has been the capital of Eastmarch for centuries, and has been the site of many important events, including the signing of the Pact of Chieftains, which ended the Skyrim Civil War. Windhelm has also been the site of many battles, including the famous Battle of Windhelm, which took place during the Great War.

2. What is the Summerset Shadows?

The Summerset Shadows is a Thieves Guild based in Windhelm. They are a group of Dunmer thieves who specialize in stealing valuable artifacts and items from wealthy citizens of Windhelm. They are known for their stealth and cunning, and are feared by many in the city. The Summerset Shadows have been active for many years, and have a reputation for being one of the most successful and dangerous Thieves Guilds in Skyrim.

3. How does Windhelm influence the rest of Skyrim?

Windhelm is a powerful city in Skyrim, and has a significant influence on the rest of the region. It is the capital of Eastmarch, which is one of the nine holds of Skyrim, and is home to many important institutions, including the Palace of the Kings, which is the seat of power for the Stormcloaks. The city is also home to many influential people, including Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the Stormcloaks, and Galmar Stone-Fist, his second-in-command. Windhelm’s influence extends beyond the borders of Skyrim, as well, as it is a major trading center and a hub of cultural exchange.

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