Compelling Tribute – p.1 | Stormcloak Rebellion Quests

New Main Objective: Find evidence

Note! You receive this task during the main Stormcloak Rebellion Quest, Liberation of Skyrim, and it must be completed in order to progress to the next stage.

Access the world map. Your aim is Markarth, located in the western part of Skyrim (as shown in the screen above). If you have previously visited, use Fast Travel. Otherwise, plan your route carefully, perhaps considering using a carriage (such as the one from Whiterun Stables).

Upon reaching Markarth, proceed westwards. You need to approach the colossal entrance to Understone Keep (as seen in the screen above). If you have visited the Jarl’s residence before, you can travel directly there, as it is visible on the map.

Proceed straight ahead, heading west, and pay no attention to the guard you will pass. Your destination is the Jarl’s primary residence. Ignore the people around, as you do not need to speak with anyone at the moment. Instead, turn right and head north. There is a passage leading to a part of the dwarven keep that is off-limits to visitors (as shown in the screen above).

The amulet you seek is located in one of the bedrooms on the ground floor, but unfortunately, obtaining it is not straightforward. Note that the nearby corridor is guarded by a sentry. You can disregard his initial warnings, but if you ignore him repeatedly, he will eventually attack you. In order to avoid conflict, I recommend sneaking or becoming invisible. In the latter case, you can use a suitable spell or visit the nearest store, The Hag’s Cure, and purchase an Invisibility Potion. Regardless of your choice, you will reach a locked bedroom door (as seen in the screen above). If your thievery skills are strong enough, you should be able to unlock it with ease. Otherwise, you will need to think of an alternative strategy.

My suggestion is to pickpocket one of the more important individuals in the keep. If you choose the right circumstances, you can succeed even if your character is not experienced in theft. For example, the Key to Markarth Keep is held by Faleen or Raerek. As for the optimal time, I recommend either morning or evening hours, when the aforementioned persons are either waking up (as shown in the screen above) or going to bed.

If you encounter difficulties while attempting to steal from a moving target, you may want to wait for another opportune moment, such as when one of them sits at a table to eat (as shown in the screen above). The most important thing is to stay hidden and crouched. To ensure success, save the game, especially if your thievery skills have not been developed previously.

Regardless of whether you employed a lockpick or stole the key, you must reach a specific bedroom. Close the door behind you and begin examining the room. Check the dresser by one of the beds (as shown in the screen above) and acquire Raerek’s Inscribed Amulet of Talos. Return to the main hall of Understone Keep quickly, so as not to provoke the nearby guard to attack you.

The image shows a screenshot of a game. It is important to note that if you spend a lot of time exploring areas that are prohibited for guests or running around with your weapons drawn, you may provoke the guards to attack you. In such a situation, it is not advisable to fight back as it can result in being surrounded by a large group of highly trained enemies that are difficult to defeat. Instead, it is recommended to quickly put down your weapons, surrender or agree to go to prison.


1. What is Compelling Tribute?

Compelling Tribute is a quest in the Stormcloak Rebellion questline in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The quest involves the Dragonborn (the player’s character) assisting the Stormcloaks in taking control of Markarth by convincing a potential ally, Raerek, the Steward of Markarth, to betray his employer, Jarl Igmund, and join the rebellion. The quest is considered an important step in the Stormcloak Rebellion questline, as it is necessary to take Markarth to progress further in the game.

2. How do I start the Compelling Tribute quest?

The Compelling Tribute quest is automatically triggered after the completion of the quest “The Jagged Crown.” After returning the crown to Ulfric Stormcloak at Windhelm, he will assign the Dragonborn the task of taking Markarth. The Dragonborn will then be directed to speak with Galmar Stone-Fist, the second-in-command of the Stormcloak Rebellion, to begin the quest.

3. What are the objectives of the Compelling Tribute quest?

The objectives of the Compelling Tribute quest are to convince Raerek, the Steward of Markarth, to betray Jarl Igmund and join the Stormcloak Rebellion. This is done by either persuading him with a high Speech skill, blackmailing him with information obtained from his personal journal, or by framing him for a crime and then offering him amnesty in exchange for his loyalty to the rebellion. The Dragonborn must also retrieve a list of Silver-Blood family members who are loyal to the Empire, and eliminate them to weaken the Empire’s hold on Markarth.

4. What are the consequences of completing the Compelling Tribute quest?

The completion of the Compelling Tribute quest results in the Stormcloaks taking control of Markarth and weakening the Empire’s hold on Skyrim. However, it also causes tension between the Stormcloaks and the Silver-Blood family, who are a powerful group in Markarth. The player may also receive a reward from Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist for completing the quest, and may progress further in the Stormcloak Rebellion questline.

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