Controlling the Darkspawn Threat

How to unlock: Finish the “Reports of Darkspawn Activity” operation

Quest giver: –

The entrance to the first cave to the North

Once you’ve finished “Cleaning House” at the Storm Coast, the “Reports of Darkspawn Activity” operation will become available in the council room. After completing it, you’ll gain access to a quest that involves traveling to a location and sealing off four strategic passages that darkspawn use.

The tunnel in the first cave

Head to the first campsite to the North of the nearest grotto (M5,8a) at the Storm Coast. Inside the hole in the wall, you’ll find a tunnel that you need to magically seal. Locate the spot where your mage can use magic and move over the large boulder to close off the passage.

The tunnel in the second cave

The second passage is located in the cave between two fragments of the coast (M5,8b). You’ll need to venture deeper into the cave to find the opening past the bonfire.

The corridor projecting outwards

The third hole (M5,8c) in the wall is outside and cut into one of the slopes. It’s not being guarded by monsters, but by Red Templars.

The last tunnel to seal

The final tunnel (M5,8d) to seal is located in the South-West-most cave, where the river starts. The opening becomes visible after entering from the left (from the North).

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • Medium amount of experience
  • 200 Influence Points
  • 2 Power points


1. What are Darkspawn?

Darkspawn are a fictional race of creatures in the Dragon Age video game series. They are usually depicted as being corrupted by a powerful and evil force called the “taint.” Darkspawn are often associated with the Blight, a catastrophic event that occurs periodically in the game’s world and threatens to destroy all life. The Darkspawn are known for their brutal and relentless attacks on humans and other races, and are considered to be one of the greatest threats to the world of Dragon Age.

2. How do you keep the Darkspawn down?

There are several ways to keep the Darkspawn down in the Dragon Age games. One of the most effective methods is to engage them in combat and defeat them in battle. This can be done either alone or with the help of other characters, such as companions or allies. Another way to keep the Darkspawn down is to destroy the source of their power, such as a powerful mage or a corrupted artifact. Finally, some characters may be able to use their unique abilities to control or manipulate the Darkspawn, such as the Grey Wardens who are able to sense and track them.

3. What are the consequences of failing to keep the Darkspawn down?

The consequences of failing to keep the Darkspawn down can be catastrophic in the Dragon Age games. If the Darkspawn are allowed to run rampant, they can cause widespread destruction and death, and ultimately lead to the destruction of the world. In addition, the Blight that is associated with the Darkspawn can spread rapidly and infect entire populations, leading to mass panic and despair. Finally, failing to keep the Darkspawn down can have personal consequences for the player’s character, such as being captured or killed by the Darkspawn during a battle or losing important allies or resources that were needed to fight against them.

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