Developing a Romantic Relationship with Solas in Dragon Age Inquisition


In order to enter a romantic relationship with Solas in Dragon Age Inquisition, you must be playing as an elf-female.

To build a positive relationship with Solas, choose dialogue options that showcase your intelligence, support for mages, and interest in the world around you, particularly the Fade. Look for dialogue options marked with a heart symbol. Be careful not to offend Solas with inappropriate comments about elven customs.

It is important to have long conversations with Solas, exhausting all available topics, especially those related to magic and the Fade. Completing his quests, Measuring the Veil and All New, Faded for Her, as early as possible will also help build your relationship with him. Make sure to complete All New, Faded for Her in a way that does not offend Solas, freeing the spirit turned into the Pride demon without killing it and allowing Solas to deal with the mages responsible for summoning it.

During the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts main quest, you can play a short prelude to the romance with Solas. The unique cutscene of the meeting with him starts towards the end of the game, after you have taken care of your business at the Mythal Temple.

If you have developed your relationship with Solas to a sufficient level, you will be rewarded with a gentle kiss after visiting Haven in the Fade.


What is Solas’s romance storyline in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Solas is a romanceable character in Dragon Age Inquisition. The player character, known as the Inquisitor, can pursue a romantic relationship with him. Solas’s romance storyline is unique and complex. He is a mysterious elven apostate mage, who has a lot of knowledge about the Fade and the ancient elven culture. Solas’s romance is a slow burn, and it takes time to build up. The player needs to gain his trust and understanding, by completing his personal quests and talking to him regularly. The romance reaches its peak during the Trespasser DLC, where the player learns Solas’s true identity and his plans for the world. The romance can have a bittersweet ending, depending on the choices the player makes.

What are some tips for romancing Solas in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Romancing Solas in Dragon Age Inquisition can be challenging, but it’s worth it. Here are some tips to help the player build a successful romance with him:

1. Talk to Solas regularly: The player needs to talk to Solas often to gain his trust and understanding. The player should ask him about his past, his opinions on different topics, and his thoughts on the Inquisition’s mission.

2. Complete Solas’s personal quests: Solas has two personal quests that the player needs to complete to gain his approval and deepen their relationship. These quests are “All New, Faded for Her” and “Measuring the Veil.”

3. Be respectful of Solas’s beliefs: Solas is a devout follower of the elven gods, and he has a lot of knowledge about the Fade and the ancient elven culture. The player should be respectful of his beliefs, even if they don’t agree with them.

4. Be patient: Solas’s romance is a slow burn, and it takes time to build up. The player should be patient and not rush the relationship.

5. Make the right choices: The player’s choices during the game will affect the romance’s outcome. The player should be careful and make the right choices to keep the romance alive.

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