High Stakes

How to start: Speak with Charter.

Quest provider: Charter (M13,6)

Meet with Charter

You can only access this quest after completing the side quest Capturing Caer Bronach, as you must seize full control of Caer Bronach. Inside the keep, locate the spy Charter (M13,6) and converse with her. She will request that you find the Butcher.

The Butcher’s corpse

Exit the keep and proceed eastward. Be careful, as you may be ambushed by highwaymen and Black Wolves on the way. Unfortunately, the butcher is deceased, and you can locate his corpse near the eastern edge of the map (M13,6a). After you’ve read the note on the corpse, return to Charter.

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • Experience (minimal)
  • 80 Influence points


1. What are high stakes?

High stakes refer to situations where a lot is at risk, either financially, emotionally, or otherwise. In the context of gambling, high stakes typically refer to bets or wagers that involve a large sum of money, often to the point where the outcome could significantly impact the financial well-being of the participants involved. High stakes can also be used to describe situations where there is a lot at stake emotionally, such as in a high-pressure job or a critical decision that could have a significant impact on a person’s life.

2. What are some common high-stakes activities?

Some common high-stakes activities include gambling, investing in the stock market, participating in high-pressure job interviews, and taking standardized tests that determine college admissions or professional certifications. Other high-stakes situations might include making a significant financial investment, such as buying a house or starting a business, or making a critical decision that could significantly impact the outcome of a project or relationship.

3. How can someone manage the stress of high-stakes situations?

Managing the stress of high-stakes situations can be challenging, but there are several strategies that can help. One common approach is to prepare as much as possible through research, practice, and seeking feedback from others. It can also be helpful to focus on the present moment and avoid getting lost in worries about the future or regrets about the past. Additionally, taking care of one’s physical and emotional well-being through exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety. Finally, seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can provide a valuable outlet for processing emotions and gaining perspective on the situation.

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