How to Join the Stormcloaks and Complete the Stormcloak Rebellion Quests

Starting the Quest

To start the quest, open your world map and plan a journey to Windhelm located in the western part of Skyrim (as shown in the above screenshot). The easiest way is to use the Fast Travel option, but if you haven’t been to this location before, you can use a wagon, such as the one at the Whiterun Stables. When you arrive in Windhelm, you’ll witness a heated exchange between Stormcloak soldiers and an Elven woman who is not welcome in the city. You can talk to her, but it won’t affect the quest.

Next, head to the north part of the city and find the entrance to the Palace of the Kings (as shown in the above screenshot). If you’ve been to the Stormcloaks stronghold before, you can travel there directly.

Inside the palace, go to the north part of the main hall where you’ll find Ulfric Stormcloak sitting on a throne or having a war council in the “war room” discussing future plans and the enemy faction. Talk to Ulfric (as shown in the above screenshot). If you worked with Ralof at the beginning of the game, you can mention it now, but it won’t affect the outcome of the conversation. Ulfric says that the Stormcloaks are always looking for people who can fight and sends you to his second-in-command, Galmar.


Galmar Stone-Fist is also in the palace (as shown in the above screenshot) and you need to talk to him. He wants to know why you wish to fight for Skyrim alongside the Stormcloaks, but whatever you tell him won’t affect your future relations. At the end of the conversation, Galmar gives you a test. You need to go to a completely isolated island and fight an Ice Wraith. To help you, he gives you a Resist Frost Potion and a couple of Ice Wraith Bane potions.

Unlocked Stormcloak Rebellion Quest: Joining the Stormcloaks

Main Objective: Kill the Ice Wraith

Leave the Palace of the Kings and open your world map. Your destination is Serpentstone Island (as shown in the above screenshot), located in the northwest corner of the map. It’s best to travel there from Winterhold, which is in the same part of Skyrim. If you haven’t been to Winterhold before, you can use a wagon, such as the one in Windhelm Stables.

From Winterhold, head east, but be careful because you need to go down a hill the city stands on. I suggest finding a gentler slope (as shown in the above screenshot) which will safely lead you to the coastline.

Keep going east, avoiding smaller islands, swimming if necessary, and watching out for wild animals, especially wolves and bears. Your destination is a fairly small island (as shown in the above screenshot). It has a very steep slope on its west side, so I suggest approaching from the south.

Use one of the paths leading to the highest point of the island. Go to the marked location and save the game, because once you approach the Guardian Stones (as shown in the above screenshot), you’ll be attacked by the Ice Wraith.

If your character prefers close combat, you can use Ice Wraith Bane to poison your weapon and deal greater damage to the monster. For ranged combat, you can also use this poison. If your character uses magic, try using fire-based spells. It’s recommended to drink Resist Frost potion before the fight to reduce the damage. After defeating the monster, check its remains for valuable potions.

The new main objective is to return to Galmar. Open the world map and go to the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm. Talk to Galmar and inform him of your success. He will propose that you take an oath binding you with the Stormcloak Rebellion, but it doesn’t mean you can’t change your ally later.

To complete the objective of taking the oath, talk to Galmar and agree to take the oath. Repeat the lines after him and you will officially be welcomed into the Stormcloaks. You will be given Stormcloak attire, but it may not be as valuable as your current equipment. You can activate another Stormcloak quest without ending the conversation with Galmar.

A new Stormcloak Rebellion quest, The Jagged Crown, has been unlocked.


1. What is the Stormcloak Rebellion?

The Stormcloak Rebellion is a questline in the game Skyrim where the player can choose to join the rebellion and fight for Skyrim’s independence from the Empire. The rebellion is led by Ulfric Stormcloak, who feels that Skyrim should be ruled by a Nord, and not by the Empire and its Emperor, who are seen as outsiders and oppressors.

2. How do I join the Stormcloaks?

To join the Stormcloaks, the player must first travel to Windhelm, the city where Ulfric Stormcloak is based. Once there, they can speak to Ulfric and his second-in-command, Galmar Stone-Fist, and express their desire to join the rebellion. The player will then be given a series of quests to complete, which will eventually lead to them being accepted as a member of the Stormcloaks.

3. What are the benefits of joining the Stormcloaks?

Joining the Stormcloaks has several benefits, both in terms of gameplay and lore. From a gameplay perspective, joining the Stormcloaks allows the player to access a unique set of armor and weapons, as well as several new quests and locations. From a lore perspective, joining the Stormcloaks allows the player to take a stand against the Empire and its perceived injustices, and to fight for the independence and sovereignty of Skyrim.

4. What are the consequences of joining the Stormcloaks?

Joining the Stormcloaks has several consequences, both in terms of gameplay and lore. From a gameplay perspective, joining the Stormcloaks means that the player will be unable to complete the Imperial questline, and will be considered an enemy of the Empire and its soldiers. From a lore perspective, joining the Stormcloaks means that the player is taking a stand against the Empire and its perceived injustices, and may be seen as a hero or a terrorist, depending on who you ask.

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