In my Time of Need | Side quests

This section of our guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gives you a detailed account of the In my Time of Need side quest. The initial part of the quest requires you to locate Saadia. After that, you have the choice to either help her or continue the quest by turning her over to the Redguards.

  • Activating the quest
  • New main objective: Find the Redguard woman
  • New main objective: Speak with Saadia or Inform the Alik’r of Saadia’s location
  • New main objective (Saadia): Talk to the Alik’r Prisoner
  • New main objective (Saadia): Kill Kematu
  • New main objective (Saadia): Return to Saadia
  • New main objective (Redguards): Inform the Alik’r of Saadia’s location
  • New main objective (Redguards): Lead Saadia to the Whiterun Stables

Activating the quest

If you have finished the Dragon Rising main quest, while heading to Whiterun, you will come across a couple of Redguards who want to enter the city. However, the guards refuse to let them in, so the Nomads have to turn back. Speak to them to discover that their clan (Alik’r) is searching for a Redguard woman who is hiding inside the city.

The men won’t reveal why they are looking for their countrywoman, but they offer a substantial reward for any help. If you are short on gold, you can consider accepting their offer.

New main objective: Find the Redguard woman

The Redguard woman can be found at The Bannered Mare inn, located in the center of Whiterun. Walk inside, turn left, and enter the small room where a woman named Saadia is sitting. Inform her that someone is searching for her. She will become anxious and request you to follow her.

New main objective: Speak with Saadia or Inform the Alik’r of Saadia’s location

Trail Saadia up to the upper level of the inn. As you enter the woman’s room, she will pull out a knife and threaten you. Do not attack her – it’s just an act of desperation rather than a genuine danger. Speak to her to discover that the Alik’rs are searching for her because she opposes the Aldmeri Dominion. If they catch her, they will take her to Hammerfel in chains and execute her there. The desperate woman will plead with you not to reveal her location to the Redguards – it would be catastrophic for her.

You can finish this quest in two ways. If you believe Saadia, skip to Talk to the Alik’r Prisoner. If you prefer to support the Redguards, skip to Inform the Alik’r of Saadia’s location. There are no clues indicating which side is telling the truth – you need to trust your gut instincts.

New main objective (Saadia): Talk to the Alik’r Prisoner

Go to Dragonsreach and enter the dungeon. Inside one of the cells, you will find a Redguard pacing across the room. Ask him to tell you where Kematu (Alik’r leader) is, and he will tell you that he can reveal it to you if you get him out of prison. For that, you should have 100 gold in your possession and pay it to one of the guards as a fine for the man.

Once you have finished the necessary procedures, go back to the prisoner. He will give you the location where Kematu is hiding and warn you that it’s a suicide mission. The mercenaries will attack you as soon as you step into their territory. You need to prepare for this.

New main objective (Saadia): Eliminate Kematu

You can find your target at the Swindler’s Den, which is located west of Whiterun and east of Rorikstead. Enter the cave and be ready to fight since it’s packed with Redguards who will attack you without hesitation. You can either fight your way through them or sneak past them and enter the room with a waterfall (watch out for traps!). When you reach the “throne room,” Kematu will request that you put down your weapon. You have already demonstrated your abilities.

Approach the Alik’r leader and speak to him. Let him know that Saadia sent you to kill him and he will laugh at you. The woman has escaped from them several times by using people like you. In her home country, Hammerfell, she is accused of treason, and the Alik’r’s task is not to kill her but to bring her to a fair trial. If Kematu convinces you, you can change your mind and join the mercenaries – in that case, go to Lead Saadia to the Whiterun Stables.

If the man’s words don’t affect you, let him know that you still plan to kill him. You should act quickly because you will have to fight seven Redguards. Try to enter the corner of the cave so that the enemies have to approach you one by one – this should make the fight much easier. After defeating all of them, leave the cave and return to Saadia.

New main objective (Saadia): Return to Saadia

After dealing with the Redguards at the Swindler’s Den, you can return to Whiterun and tell Saadia that she no longer needs to worry about the mercenaries chasing her. The woman will give you a reward of 500 gold, and the quest will be complete. If you want to see the beautiful woman again in the future, you can always visit her at The Bannered Mare inn, where she works. She will undoubtedly greet you warmly.

New main objective (Redguards): Inform the Alik’r of Saadia’s whereabouts

You can find the Alik’rs who are searching for Saadia at The Bannered Mare inn in Rorikstead. Tell them where the woman is, and they will tell you that they can’t capture her there because it would cause too much commotion in the city. Therefore, you will need to help them by leading the woman to the stables – they will wait there and apprehend her.

New main objective (Redguards): Escort Saadia to the Whiterun Stables

Return to Whiterun and inform Saadia that the Redguards are pursuing her. The woman will begin to panic. Let her know that you have a plan to help her escape and that there is a horse waiting for her in the stables, which she can use to flee from Skyrim. The woman will trust you and follow you immediately. Head to the stables outside the city – the Alik’r will already be waiting there to apprehend her. With Saadia in their custody, they will give you an appropriate reward.

Outcome of the Quest

As a result of the quest, the woman is expected to face a trial for her act of treason. It is possible that your actions may have led to her death, although it is unclear if this outcome was justified. The quest has now come to an end.


1. What is “In my Time of Need” side quest?

“In my Time of Need” is a side quest in the game “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.” The quest is initiated by talking to Fralia Gray-Mane or her son Thorald in Whiterun. They will ask the player to help find and rescue Thorald who has been kidnapped by the Alik’r warriors. The player must then track down the Alik’r warriors and decide whether to turn them over to the guards or help them escape.

2. How do I start the “In my Time of Need” side quest?

To start the “In my Time of Need” side quest, the player must talk to Fralia Gray-Mane or her son Thorald in Whiterun. The quest will not be available if the player has completed the main quest “Battle for Whiterun” as Thorald will already be rescued. It is recommended to complete this quest early in the game as it can affect the player’s reputation with the Alik’r and the Gray-Mane family.

3. What are the rewards for completing the “In my Time of Need” side quest?

The rewards for completing the “In my Time of Need” side quest include a leveled amount of gold and an increase in the player’s reputation with the Gray-Mane family. Additionally, if the player chooses to side with the Alik’r warriors, they will be rewarded with a unique piece of armor called the “Alik’r Hood.”

4. Can I complete the “In my Time of Need” side quest if I have already completed the main quest?

If the player has already completed the main quest “Battle for Whiterun,” the “In my Time of Need” side quest will not be available as Thorald will already be rescued. However, if the player has not yet completed the main quest, they can still initiate the side quest by talking to Fralia Gray-Mane or Thorald in Whiterun.

5. How does the player’s choice affect the outcome of the “In my Time of Need” side quest?

The player’s choice in the “In my Time of Need” side quest will affect their reputation with the Alik’r and the Gray-Mane family. If the player chooses to turn the Alik’r warriors over to the guards, their reputation with the Alik’r will decrease, but their reputation with the Gray-Mane family will increase. If the player chooses to help the Alik’r warriors escape, their reputation with the Alik’r will increase, but their reputation with the Gray-Mane family will decrease. Additionally, if the player chooses to side with the Alik’r warriors, they will be rewarded with a unique piece of armor called the “Alik’r Hood.”

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