Introduction | The Dark Brotherhood Quests

If you want to join The Dark Brotherhood, which specializes in silent assassinations, it would be wise to wait until your hero is well-developed. While it’s not necessary, being strong and stealthy will certainly make completing missions easier. It’s also important to note that killing certain NPCs may lock you out of using their services or completing related quests, so choose your targets wisely. Thankfully, most of the people you’ll need to eliminate are not important to the main story.

The entrance to The Dark Brotherhood’s underground Sanctuary can be found during the quest “With Friends Like These.” Not only can you learn more about the Brotherhood’s main quests here, but you can also rest and speak with other members. Some of these members even offer training to help improve your skills. However, be careful not to accidentally attack any of the Brotherhood’s important members, as this will destroy the organization. If someone tries to kill you before you join, don’t worry – eliminating the assassin won’t prevent you from joining later.


What are The Dark Brotherhood quests?

The Dark Brotherhood quests are a series of missions that can be completed in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Dark Brotherhood is a secret society of assassins who carry out contracts given to them by their mysterious leader, the Night Mother. The quests involve a variety of tasks, ranging from simple assassinations to complex heists and political intrigue. Completing these quests can unlock special rewards, such as unique weapons and armor, as well as access to the Dark Brotherhood’s secret headquarters and training facilities.

How do I start The Dark Brotherhood quests?

To begin The Dark Brotherhood quests, players must first complete the quest “Innocence Lost.” This quest can be started by speaking to a young boy named Aventus Aretino, who can be found in Windhelm. After completing “Innocence Lost,” players will be contacted by a member of the Dark Brotherhood and given their first contract. From there, players can continue to complete contracts and progress through the Dark Brotherhood questline.

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