M19 The Western Approach Quest Map

Main Points of Interest in M19 The Western Approach – Quests – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Locations where main quests begin

Important areas visited during main quests

Locations where side quests begin

Important areas visited during side quests

Locations where side quests begin:

1 – The Venatori, Rifts in the Canyons, Holding the Western Approach

2 – Code Requisition in the Approach, Lazurite Survey in the Approach, Fauna Requisition in the Approach, Rifts in Sand and Dust, Rifts in Echoback, Rifts off the Pass

Important areas visited during side quests:

1a – Holding the Western Approach quest: Camp setup area

1b – Holding the Western Approach quest: Camp setup area

1c – Holding the Western Approach quest: Camp setup area

1d – Rifts in the Canyons quest: Rift location

Locations where side quests begin:

3 – Shards in the Approach

Important areas visited during side quests:

3a – Shards in the Approach quest: First shard location

3b – Shards in the Approach quest: Second shard location

3c – Shards in the Approach quest: Third shard location

Locations where side quests begin:

4 – Assault on Griffon Wing Keep

5 – A Tevinter Relic Hunt

Important areas visited during side quests:

1e – The Venatori quest: Mine entrance

1f – The Venatori quest: Book location

6a – Seeing Red quest: Red lyrium deposit location

6b – Seeing Red quest: Red lyrium deposit location

1g – Rifts in the Canyons quest: Rift location

Locations where side quests begin:

7 – On the Chantry Trail

8 – Draconology, Frederic’s Livelihood

Important areas visited during side quests:

7a – On the Chantry Trail: Trail sign locations

2a – Rifts in Sand and Dust quest: Rift location

4a – Assault on Griffon Wing Keep quest: Main entrance to the keep

4b – Assault on Griffon Wing Keep quest: Entrance to the cave

Locations where side quests begin:

9 – This Water Tastes Funny, The Trouble with Darkspawn, Fortress Squatters

Important areas visited during side quests:

9a – The Trouble with Darkspawn quest: Operation flag location

9b – The Trouble with Darkspawn quest: Path to the ruins

9c – The Trouble with Darkspawn quest: Entrance to the Coracavus ruins

9d – The Trouble with Darkspawn quest: Exit from the Coracavus ruins

2c – Rifts in Echoback quest: Rift location

93 – The Trouble with Darkspawn quest: Servis location

10a – Memories of the Grey: Vial of Archdemon blood location

2d – Rifts in Echoback quest: Rift location

3d – Shards in the Approach quest: Fourth shard location

3e – Shards in the Approach quest: Fifth shard location

The Western Approach map includes various areas to complete quests. You can find the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth shards in the Shards in the Approach quest. The Rifts in Sand and Dust quest offers the opportunity to find one of the rifts at area 2b, while the Rifts off the Pass quest has one of its rifts at area 2e and another at area 2f. The Water Tastes Funny quest leads to Varghest’s lair at area 9f. Frederic can be found at the area where you start the Hunting Patterns and How to Lure a Dragon and Draconology, Frederic’s Livelihood quests at area 11. Completing the On the Chantry Trail quest will take you to the entrance of a cave at area 7b. The Seeing Red quest guides you to a Red lyrium deposit at area 6c. Completing the Favors the First Enchanter quest will lead you to a Circle tome at area 12a. The Memories of the Grey quest offers the opportunity to find the Grey Warden sword at area 10b. The Astrarium can be found at area 12a, while the hidden cave is available after unlocking all of the Astrariums at area 12d. Here Lies the Abyss quest has two important areas, one where you can meet with Hawke and Stroud at area 1a and another where you can meet with Erimond and take part in a big battle at area 1b. The Fortress Squatters quest leads you to find the bandits at area 9g, while the Unfinished Business quest requires you to kill the next target for Casandra at area 13a. Finally, the Sharper White Claws and The Abyssal High Dragon quests lead you to the area where you can find a trap at area 15a. The Western Approach map can be accessed by using eight Power Points on the map at the war room and is connected to one of the main quests. Spending additional time here is worth it as there are some side quests to complete and interesting ruins to explore.


What is M19 The Western Approach Quest Map?

M19 The Western Approach Quest Map is a guide to all the quests available in the Western Approach region of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition. It provides a detailed map of the area and highlights the location of each quest, allowing players to easily navigate the region and complete all available quests.

How do I access M19 The Western Approach Quest Map?

M19 The Western Approach Quest Map can be accessed by opening the main map in Dragon Age: Inquisition and selecting the Western Approach region. The quest locations will be marked on the map, allowing players to easily locate and complete them.

What are the benefits of using M19 The Western Approach Quest Map?

Using M19 The Western Approach Quest Map can help players to fully explore and complete all the quests available in the Western Approach region of Dragon Age: Inquisition. It can also help players to earn more experience points, rewards, and achievements, and to fully immerse themselves in the game’s storyline and world. Additionally, using the map can save players time and frustration by helping them to easily navigate the region and find the quests they want to complete.

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