Magneto | Boss fights

During the first round, you should try to evade all of Magneto’s attacks by moving around the arena and waiting for him to make a mistake (be aware that his minions will constantly appear). Magneto will throw bricks at you, so you need to dodge them until enough debris accumulates. Then, use Iron Man to construct a gigantic iron, which you can use to weaken the villain and defeat him.

The second round is similar to the first one – evade Magneto’s attacks and wait for bricks to appear. After a short time, you will have enough bricks to build a pumpkin, which Thor’s hammer can smash to weaken Magneto. Then, you can defeat him.

The final round is almost the same – wait for bricks, construct a battery from them, and charge it with electricity. Once it’s fully charged, switch to Spider-Man and shoot his web at the attachable point to finish off Magneto for good.


1. What makes Magneto such a formidable opponent in boss fights?

Magneto is an incredibly powerful mutant with the ability to manipulate magnetic fields. This power allows him to control metal objects, including those used as weapons by his opponents. In boss fights, Magneto can use his powers to disarm his foes, leaving them defenseless. He can also create magnetic force fields to protect himself from attacks, making it difficult for his opponents to land a hit. Additionally, Magneto is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, making him dangerous even when stripped of his powers.

2. What are some tips for defeating Magneto in boss fights?

One effective strategy for defeating Magneto is to use non-metallic weapons, such as wooden or plastic ones, to avoid his magnetism. It’s also important to stay mobile and dodge his attacks, as his magnetic powers can be devastating if they land. Finally, some characters have abilities that can neutralize or counter Magneto’s powers, such as telekinesis or energy manipulation.

3. What are some of the most memorable boss fights featuring Magneto?

Magneto has appeared as a boss in numerous video games, but some of the most memorable fights include his battles in the Marvel vs. Capcom series and in X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse. In Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Magneto is a popular choice for competitive play due to his speed and combo potential. In X-Men Legends II, Magneto serves as a boss and later as a playable character, providing a challenging fight for players to overcome.

4. How does Magneto’s personality affect his boss fight tactics?

Magneto is known for his fierce determination to protect mutantkind, often at the expense of others. This mindset can make him a ruthless opponent in boss fights, as he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Magneto is also highly intelligent and strategic, often using his powers in creative ways to gain an advantage. Players facing off against Magneto should be prepared for a challenging and unpredictable fight.

5. What other Marvel villains make for exciting boss fights?

Marvel has a rich roster of villains that can make for exciting boss fights, depending on the game or storyline. Some popular choices include Doctor Doom, Thanos, and Venom. Doctor Doom is a genius inventor and sorcerer, making him a formidable opponent for any hero. Thanos is a cosmic-level threat with incredible strength and the infamous Infinity Gauntlet. Venom is a symbiote with a grudge against Spider-Man, making for a tense and personal fight. Each of these villains brings their own unique challenges to the table and can provide a thrilling boss fight experience.

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