
Trinity Restored

New objective: Listen to Karliah

After informing Brynjolf, speak with Karliah, the elven Thief. It has been decided that Mercer Frey is a great threat to the Thieves Guild and must be eliminated. You must follow his footsteps and locate the Eyes of the Falmer.

Karliah will accompany you as the Guild Leader is a formidable opponent. Meet her by the standing stone in Riften.

New objective: Meet Karliah at the standing stone

Exit Riften through the southern gate, and keep moving upwards. You will eventually come across a large stone where Karliah awaits – the Nightingale Hall, where the Nightingales used to convene (as shown in the image below).

If you inquire about the history of the Nightingales, you will discover that their role is to serve Nocturnal – the patron of all thieves. Karliah, Gallus, and Mercer Frey were the Nightingales, but the order is no more due to Frey’s betrayal. Your mission is to rebuild it.

New objective: Follow Karliah

Upon entering the Nightingale Hall, you will notice that Brynjolf has joined you. It seems you are not the only one on the path to become part of the elite Nightingale group.

Follow Karliah and listen to her story as it provides insights into your heritage. Upon reaching a large cave, the thief will request that you put on the special Nightingale armor.

New objective: Activate the Armor Stone

New objective: Equip the Nightingale Armor

Proceed across the rope bridge and turn left. You will discover three stones in the large room. Touch the middle one to obtain the Nightingale Armor. Equip it to continue the mission.

Although the Nightingale Armor is not the most powerful in the game, it has one of the best designs. It is worth completing the mission to obtain it.

New objective: Follow Karliah

Before following the two thieves to the large room at the end of the corridor, explore both side paths. At the end of each path, you will find chests with random contents – you may discover something useful.

Once you have finished exploring, return to Karliah. She will tell you the conditions of becoming a Nightingale. By swearing the oath, you can use Nocturnal’s blessing as a guardian of her temple both in life and death. As you have no choice, you must agree to the proposal. Brynjolf will also agree.

New objective: Stand on the vacant floor glyph

Follow Karliah deeper into the corridor. After a few steps, the thief will open the gate to the proper Nocturnal temple. Behind the main, middle pillar, you will see three glyphs – one of them is meant for you.

In order to receive the blessing of the goddess Nocturnal, one must take the vacant place and swear an oath in front of her. This will summon Nocturnal herself to appear in the middle of the room for a short ceremony before disappearing. The oath grants supernatural luck to the person.

After swearing the oath, Karliah will reveal the true crime of Mercer Frey, who stole the Skeleton Key from Nocturnal’s temple. The artifact allows the owner to open any lock, regardless of its complexity and was used by Mercer Frey to enter the Snow Veil Sanctum. The new objective is to catch Mercer Frey and return the key to Nocturnal to avoid losing her blessing.

Before leaving Nightingale Hall, it is necessary to speak to Brynjolf again who will inform the player that they have been chosen to be the new Thieves Guild Leader. However, to be officially nominated, the player must complete certain missions to bring back the Guild’s old renown. Before assuming the top position among the thieves, Mercer Frey must be eliminated.

The quest to catch Mercer Frey is called Blindsighted and additional quests can be obtained by speaking to Vex and Delvin Mallory about City Influence.


1. What is Trinity Restored?

Trinity Restored is a quest in the popular video game Skyrim. It is a part of the Thieves Guild questline, and it involves the player character working with the guild to restore the Thieves Guild to its former glory.

2. How do I start the Trinity Restored quest?

To start the Trinity Restored quest, you must first complete the Thieves Guild questline up to the point where you are tasked with speaking to Karliah. Once you speak to Karliah, she will give you the Trinity Restored quest.

3. What do I need to do in Trinity Restored?

In Trinity Restored, you must work with the Thieves Guild to complete a series of tasks that will help restore the guild to its former glory. This includes completing a heist, recruiting new members, and completing various other tasks.

4. What are the rewards for completing Trinity Restored?

Completing Trinity Restored will reward the player with a number of benefits, including new fences to sell stolen goods to, new merchants to buy and sell items from, and access to new quests and missions within the Thieves Guild.

5. How long does Trinity Restored take to complete?

The length of time it takes to complete Trinity Restored will depend on a number of factors, including the player’s level, playstyle, and how quickly they are able to complete the various tasks involved in the quest. However, on average, it should take most players around 1-2 hours to complete.

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