
Side Contract: Kill Narfi

New Main Objective: Eliminate Narfi

Note! This mission is not mandatory and will only become available after finishing the Sanctuary quest.

To initiate this quest, speak with Nazir and request new assignments. It’s important to note that to unlock the next central mission of the Dark Brotherhood, Mourning Never Comes, you must complete at least one of the side contracts (it’s suggested to complete all of them). Leave the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and consult the world map. Narfi is located in the Ivarstead settlement, situated in the southern region of Skyrim. Head over there now.

Narfi is a beggar who lives in one of the damaged homes in Ivarstead. Don’t attack him during the day unless your character is skilled in sneaking and ranged attacks. Otherwise, the local guards will immediately attack you, and even if you surrender, you’ll have to pay a fine or go to jail. It’s better to wait until nightfall when the beggar is asleep and sneak into his house.

Crouch and carefully enter the damaged house. It’s recommended to wear the complete Shrouded Armor you received from Astrid at the end of the With Friends Like These quest (or better armor if available). Progress to the last room where Narfi is sleeping. Dispose of the beggar by any means necessary, such as stabbing him with a dagger or shooting an arrow at his head.

New Main Objective: Report back to Nazir

Return to the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and inform Nazir of your success. If you plan to complete other contracts assigned by him, only return to the assassins’ hideout after finishing them all. Nazir will reward you with gold.


What is a side contract in Skyrim?

In Skyrim, a side contract is a type of miscellaneous quest that can be obtained from certain NPCs. These contracts usually involve assassinating a specific target and are often offered by members of the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild. Completing a side contract will typically reward the player with a sum of gold and sometimes other valuable items or information.

Who is Narfi in Skyrim?

Narfi is a Nord beggar who can be found in the town of Ivarstead. He is known for his erratic behavior and rambling speech, which has led many to believe he is insane. Despite his troubled state, Narfi is beloved by many of the townspeople who bring him food and supplies. However, he becomes the target of a side contract in the Dark Brotherhood questline, where the player is tasked with killing him.

Why is Narfi targeted in the Dark Brotherhood questline?

In the Dark Brotherhood questline, Narfi is targeted because he unknowingly possesses information that could lead to the discovery of the Brotherhood’s hideout. The player is tasked with retrieving this information by any means necessary, which ultimately leads to the death of Narfi. It is later revealed that the information was a false lead, planted by one of the Brotherhood’s enemies to draw them out into the open.

Can Narfi be spared in the Dark Brotherhood questline?

Unfortunately, there is no way to spare Narfi in the Dark Brotherhood questline. The player is required to kill him in order to retrieve the false information he possesses. It is possible to complete the quest without killing Narfi by using illusion spells or other means of distraction, but ultimately his death is necessary to progress the storyline.

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