
Side Contract: Kill Deekus

New main goal: Eliminate Deekus

Important! This mission is not mandatory and can only be obtained upon completing The Silence Has Been Broken quest.

To activate this quest, you must ask Nazir for new contracts while conversing with him. It is crucial to note that this contract, as well as others, will only be available once all previous side contracts have been completed. Leave the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and open the world map. Deekus can be found in the area called Hela’s Folly (shown in the image above). This location is situated in the northern part of Skyrim, and if you have not yet discovered it, you should begin your journey in Dawnstar, which is close to the shipwreck.

Deekus has set up camp on a tiny island near the shipwreck (as seen in the image above), so you will have to swim to reach him. Beware of wild animals that may be present. However, you do not need to worry about guards, as the target is located in complete wilderness.

It is highly recommended to wait until nightfall, as Deekus is likely to be asleep by then. Crouch and approach him cautiously (as shown in the image above), taking care to avoid any bear traps that may be present in the area. Eliminate Deekus in any way you see fit, such as stabbing him with a dagger or shooting an arrow at his head.

New main goal: Report back to Nazir

You may now return to the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and inform Nazir of your success. If you intend to complete other contracts assigned by him, it is advisable to return to the assassins’ hideout only after completing all of them. Nazir will compensate you with gold for your efforts.


1. What is a side contract?

A side contract is a separate agreement made between two parties in addition to the main contract. It may cover specific terms or conditions that are not included in the main contract or provide additional benefits or obligations for one or both parties. In some cases, side contracts may be used to circumvent legal or ethical obligations, creating potential legal issues if discovered.

2. Why do people use side contracts?

People may use side contracts for various reasons, such as to add terms that were not covered in the main contract, to provide additional benefits or obligations for one or both parties, or to circumvent legal or ethical obligations. However, using side contracts to circumvent legal or ethical obligations can lead to legal issues if discovered.

3. Is a side contract legal?

A side contract can be legal if it is made in good faith and does not violate any laws or ethical obligations. However, if a side contract is used to circumvent legal or ethical obligations, it may be considered illegal or unethical. It is important for parties to ensure that any side contracts they enter into are legal and ethical.

4. What are the risks of using a side contract?

The risks of using a side contract include potential legal and ethical issues if the side contract is discovered and found to violate any laws or ethical obligations. In addition, side contracts may not be enforceable in court if they are found to be illegal or unethical. Parties should carefully consider the potential risks before entering into any side contracts.

5. How can parties protect themselves when using a side contract?

Parties can protect themselves when using a side contract by ensuring that it is legal and ethical, documenting the side contract in writing, and including it as an exhibit to the main contract. It is also advisable to seek legal advice before entering into any side contracts to ensure that they are enforceable and do not violate any laws or ethical obligations.

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