
Message to Whiterun | Stormcloak Rebellion Quests

New Main Objective: Deliver Ulfric’s War Axe to the Jarl of Whiterun

Continue your conversation with Ulfric from the previous Stormcloak quest. The faction leader will ask you to deliver his War Axe to the Jarl of Whiterun. Traditionally, accepting the axe means wanting peace talks, while returning it will mean going to war.

You can now leave the Palace of the Kings and open the world map. If you followed our advice and began the Civil War Quests after completing a few initial quests of the game, you can travel to Dragonsreach right away (as shown in the previous screen). Otherwise, you must make your way to Whiterun independently and follow the guide for the Main Quests (Before the Storm).

Once you arrive at Whiterun, find Jarl Balgruuf the Greater and initiate dialogue. Give him Ulfric’s War Axe (as shown in the previous screen). If you haven’t completed the Main Quests Before the Storm, Bleak Falls Barrow, and Dragon Rising, you’ll need to do them now. Otherwise, Jarl Balgruuf will take the axe and need a few moments to decide.

New Main Objective: Wait for the Jarl’s response

You don’t need to do anything else to complete this quest. Stay near Balgruuf and listen to his conversation with his advisors (as shown in the previous screen). The Jarl will need to confirm if Ulfric plans to invade Whiterun and will ask you to return the war axe. He will also say that he is willing to face the Stormcloak forces on the battlefield.

New Main Objective: Deliver the axe to Ulfric

Leave Dragonsreach, open the world map, and travel to the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm. Once you arrive, you’ll likely find Ulfric in the war room. Initiate dialogue and inform him of the Jarl’s aggressive response (as shown in the previous screen).

New Main Objective: Wait for orders from Jarl Ulfric

Be patient, as Ulfric will also need a few moments to decide on how to respond to the Jarl’s message (as shown in the previous screen). After a lengthy discussion with Galmar, he will decide to attack Whiterun, disregarding the fact that Balgruuf may have already called for the Imperial Legion’s assistance. At the end of the meeting, Ulfric will ask you personally to participate in the upcoming battle.

Unlocked Stormcloak Rebellion Quest: Battle for Whiterun


1. What is the Message to Whiterun quest in the Stormcloak Rebellion storyline?

The Message to Whiterun is a quest in the Stormcloak Rebellion storyline of the popular game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The quest involves delivering an important message to the Jarl of Whiterun, Balgruuf the Greater, urging him to join the Stormcloak Rebellion against the Empire. The message is delivered by the player on behalf of Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the rebellion, and it is the first quest in the questline.

2. How do I start the Message to Whiterun quest?

To start the Message to Whiterun quest, players must first complete the Unbound quest, which is the opening quest of the game. After completing Unbound, players can talk to any Stormcloak soldier in Windhelm, who will give them the quest. Alternatively, players can go directly to Ulfric Stormcloak and ask him for a job, which will also trigger the quest.

3. What are the rewards for completing the Message to Whiterun quest?

Completing the Message to Whiterun quest will earn players a few rewards, including a small sum of gold and the ability to purchase property in Windhelm. Additionally, completing the quest will unlock the next quest in the Stormcloak Rebellion storyline, which is called Battle for Whiterun.

4. Can I complete the Message to Whiterun quest if I am aligned with the Empire?

No, players who have chosen to side with the Empire in the game cannot complete the Message to Whiterun quest as it is part of the Stormcloak Rebellion storyline. However, players who have completed the Civil War questline for the Empire can still visit Whiterun and speak to Balgruuf the Greater, who will have different dialogue options based on the player’s allegiance.

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