
Lady Stephanie – Your Ladyship’s Servant | Love Affairs in Kingdom Come Deliverance

The information provided below explains how to charm Lady Stephanie in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. She is one of the potential love interests for the game’s protagonist, Henry. Successfully winning over Lady Stephanie will earn you the Casanova achievement.

  • Initial encounter with Lady Stephanie
  • How to initiate the quest?
  • Purchase wine from the vendor in Rattay
  • Obtain the ornamental crown from the masters in Sasau
  • Locate a roan in Uzhitz
  • How to charm Lady Stephanie?

Take note – concluding this love affair will prevent you from receiving the Virgin trophy.

Meeting Lady Stephanie for the First Time

  1. Lady Stephanie resides in Talmberg castle with her husband. Your first encounter with her happens during the main quest Run! after the prologue. You will meet her during your initial visit to the castle and again later when Henry wants to rest.
  2. When having a conversation with Lady Stephanie at night, you will have the option to select unique dialogue choices. Stephanie can be easily influenced by Persuasion and impressing (only if you have 6 or more points in Charisma). Even if you fail in your attempts, you can still seduce her later in the game.

How to Begin the Quest?

  1. Revisit Talmberg later in the game. You can do this immediately after finishing the main quest Homecoming, but it is better to wait until you finish The Prey and get access to your own horse. After reaching the castle, speak to any guard to know that Lady Stephanie wants to see you.
  2. Find Lady Stephanie in the castle and accept her invitation for help in preparing for her cousin’s wedding. You will receive a “task list” and some Groschen to purchase the necessary items. You can complete the tasks in any order.

Buying Wine from the Merchant in Rattay

  1. Go to Rattay and meet Konrad Hagen to purchase the wine. You’ll learn that his last barrel of wine has already been sold as the prize in the upcoming archery contest. Hagen will suggest that Henry participate in the contest.
  2. The archery contest will be held at the archery range in Rattay. Once you reach the place, you can speak to the archery master about participating.
  3. You will have to shoot 13 arrows with each shot scoring between 1 to 3 points. You will receive three extra points if you shoot all your arrows first. The contest is challenging, and you will have to score around 30 points to win against the trader, who is the best shooter.

  1. If you fail the contest, you can still buy the wine from the trader by offering him 150 Groschen (you can haggle for a lower price).
  2. The best alternative is to steal the wine before the contest begins. Once you reach the archery range, ignore the archery master and find the chest shown in the screenshot (it’s poorly locked). Open it and get the wine.

Getting the Decorative Crown from the Masters in Sasau

To get the crown, you will have to meet Master Jerome, whose workshop is near the Sasau Monastery. The master will tell you about a problem he has with a missing merchant who was supposed to deliver a piece of Moldavite required to finish the crown. You will have to make a choice:

To complete the decorative crown, you have two options: either use a different gem and risk Lady Stephanie’s displeasure with the crown, or promise to locate the missing merchant and the Moldavite. If you choose the latter, travel west to the monastery and locate the cart and blood trails of the merchant who was attacked en route to Sasau. Follow the blood trails to a small camp on the riverbank where two bandits reside. You can either attack them one by one or infiltrate the camp at night and focus on obtaining the Moldavite from the chest. Use lockpicks or the key found on one of the bandits to open the chest and retrieve the Moldavite. Return it to Master Jerome, who will require a day to complete the crown, allowing you to rest or complete other tasks for Lady Stephanie in the meantime.

To acquire a roan from Uzhitz, speak to the horse seller and inquire about Lady Stephanie’s horse, which is known to cause problems. Speak to Vashek and try to persuade him, learning his secret method to calm the horse down if successful. Collect the horse and ride it back to Talmberg, which will be a straightforward journey if you learned Vashek’s method; otherwise, prepare for a difficult ride.

To seduce Lady Stephanie, complete all your tasks and report your progress to her. Lady Stephanie will request that Henry wear her father’s shirt, but he should remain in the room. If you complete the quest without any mistakes, you can sleep with Lady Stephanie and earn the Casanova trophy. Keep the shirt for future use, as it provides a significant boost to Charisma.


What is Lady Stephanie’s role in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Lady Stephanie is a noblewoman residing in Talmberg Castle, one of the major locations in Kingdom Come Deliverance. She assists the player character, Henry of Skalitz, throughout his journey by providing him with quests, information, and resources. Lady Stephanie is also a potential romance option for Henry, and players can pursue a romantic relationship with her by completing certain quests and dialogue options.

What makes Lady Stephanie a popular character among Kingdom Come Deliverance players?

Aside from her role as a helpful NPC and romance option, Lady Stephanie is a well-written and fully fleshed out character. Her personality and backstory are developed through dialogue and quests, and players can learn more about her life and motivations. Additionally, Lady Stephanie is portrayed as a strong and independent woman in a society that often restricts women’s freedom and agency. Her portrayal as a powerful and capable noblewoman has resonated with many players, making her a popular character in the game.

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