Passing through the Keep with Hadvar | Unbound

This section of the TES V: Skyrim guide explains how to pass through the Keep with Hadvar as part of the first main quest, Unbound. The walkthrough only covers the scenario where you choose to work with Hadvar and not Ralof. During the quest, you can also complete additional objectives.

  • New main objective: Escape Helgen
  • New main objective: Find some equipment

New main objective: Escape Helgen

New main objective: Find some equipment

Start by approaching Hadvar, who will free you from your bindings. Follow his advice and search the Warden’s Chest (shown in the screen above). Inside, you will find a sword and some hero gear. Equip them immediately from your inventory. While you’re there, take a look around the room for other valuable items.

Follow the southern corridor and then turn west. Wait for Hadvar to unlock the door to the oval room where you will have to fight two Stormcloak soldiers (as seen in the screen above). They will mainly focus on Hadvar, so use that to your advantage. Make sure to use heavy attacks and block their attacks. After the fight, search the enemies’ corpses and do this every time in the future.

Keep following Hadvar, exit to the west and go down the stairs to the lower level. Ignore the tunnel that will collapse before your eyes and enter the nearby room where you will have to fight more Stormcloak soldiers (as seen in the screen above), but without any particular difficulties.

New optional objective: Search the barrel for potions

As per the hint, search the barrel marked by the game (as shown in the screen above) for a minor health potion, minor stamina potion, and minor magic potion. The same goes for the room, as many valuable items are hidden inside it.

After exploring the room, approach Hadvar to continue through the Keep. Soon you will reach the dungeons where you will help the Torturer get rid of a group of Stormcloak soldiers (as seen in the screen above). After the fight, listen to a short conversation and note that you have received a dozen lockpicks.

New optional task: Try to unlock the cage

It is recommended that you complete the optional task of unlocking the cage, even if you do not plan on playing as a rogue later in the game. Approach the designated cage and interact with the door. Read the instructions and play the relatively easy mini-game (shown in the above screen). You must turn the lockpick each time and then check to see if it is in the correct position to turn the lock fully. If you adjust it correctly, the lock will open, but if you try to turn the lock in an incorrect position for too long, the lockpick will break. Fortunately, if you run out of lockpicks provided by Hadvar, you can always find more in the room. After opening the cage, collect the items that belonged to the former mage, along with any other useful items in the room. Don’t forget to pick up The Book of the Dragonborn and the Spell Tome: Spark.

Now head west in the corridor, then turn south after a while and take the stairs. Move towards the big hole in the wall. After reaching a larger cave, you will encounter more Stormcloak soldiers. Be careful, as there will be a large group of them to defeat. Additionally, archers will attack you from the southern part of the room (as shown in the above screen). Try to avoid their attacks and defeat them in direct combat.

Continue west, wait for Hadvar to lower the drawbridge, and keep moving forward, ignoring the fact that another passage has collapsed behind you. After reaching a larger cave, head south and then west. Soon, a group of Frostbite Spiders (shown in the above screen) will attack you. Move throughout the whole battle to avoid their poison, and focus on attacking only one at a time. After the battle, examine their bodies and collect the Frostbite Venom.

Now head east until you reach a large cave. Stop when Hadvar notices a bear and listen to his suggestions. Note that you have received a long bow with twelve Iron Arrows. If you do not intend to attack the bear, crouch and head southeast (as shown in the above screen). As long as you do not approach the bear too closely, it will not attack you.

If you want to defeat the bear, you have several options. The most obvious solution is to use the bow provided by Hadvar (as shown in the above screen). You could also choose to engage in direct combat or use magic. Don’t forget to check the bear’s body afterwards.

Whether you avoided or defeated the bear, you should soon reach an exit to the surface (as shown in the above screen). Wait for the game to transition to a new location and listen to what Hadvar has to say. He will suggest that you should go to the nearby town of Riverwood to meet his uncle, Alvor.

New objective available: Before the Storm

You have unlocked the main quest “Before the Storm”.


What is the Keep in Unbound?

The Keep in Unbound is a location where the player finds themselves after being captured by the Imperial soldiers. It is a fortress that serves as the headquarters for the Imperial Legion in Skyrim. The player is taken to the Keep as a prisoner, and this is where the game’s tutorial section takes place. The Keep is also the first location where the player can encounter various characters, such as Ralof or Hadvar, depending on the choices the player makes during the game’s opening sequence.

How can I get through the Keep with Hadvar?

To get through the Keep with Hadvar, the player needs to follow his instructions. Hadvar is an Imperial soldier who can help the player escape the Keep and start their journey in Skyrim. The player needs to follow Hadvar closely and listen to his directions, such as picking up items or activating levers. It is important to note that the player needs to be careful not to attack any Imperial soldiers during this part of the game, as it will result in the player being attacked and potentially killed. Once the player gets through the Keep with Hadvar, they will be able to choose their path and start exploring Skyrim.

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